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有紫铁足,多断纹隐裂如鱼子。Purple iron foot, multi-cracked-off patterns, such as roe.

我期望有的海胆,中拖罗,三文鱼子或好一点的鲷鱼均欠奉。I was really expecting some Uni, chu-toro, ikura and some better snappers.

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过几天和鱼子同学一起到熊猫画室画丙烯画,激动呢!Few days later I will learn propylene drawing with Joy, amazing experience!

现在基本上天天晚上跟鱼子同学去游泳,都锻炼成肌肉女了!These evening I went to swim with Joy, which makes me become a muscle woman!

你可以吃到虾寿司,三文鱼子寿司,玉子寿司,和其他各种。You can choose from shrimp, salmon roe, egg and any number or types of SUSHI.

魔鬼鱼肝及松露菌白鱼的鱼子拌薯仔芹菜根沙律。Mongfish Foie Gras and Truffle White Fish Caviar with Potato and Celery Root Salad.

汉莎航空公司本来希望能弄清楚哪种鱼子能在平流层中最好地保留原有的味道。Lufthansa wanted to know which fish eggs hold their character best in the stratosphere.

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我们先去超市里买了鱼子、火腿肠、黄瓜、肉松和海苔。We go to the supermarket to buy roe, ham sausage, cucumber, seaweed and dried meat floss.

高保湿的珍贵鱼子精华及保湿剂的双重作用,给肌肤最完美的保湿防护。Precious roe essence and moisturizing factor provide perfect moisturizing protection for skin.

对鱼子纹的解析说法不一,一般认为是釉面细小的开片细若鱼子。The analytical pattern of roe vary, generally considered to be a small open-glazed thin films, if roe.

他们发现,即使在地面上,不同品牌的鱼子味道也大相径庭,于是放弃了这一尝试。They abandoned efforts after realizing that, even on the ground, flavor varies too widely from brand to brand.

蕴含来自珍贵的深海鱼子精华,配以海洋藻类提取物及透明质酸等。能深层清洁、盈润保湿肌肤及。Contain deep sea roe essence, alga extract and hyaluronic acid , it can intensively clean and moisturize the skin and.

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青瓜去皮切幼丝,盛以大碗,加入蟹肉、沙律酱、芥辣酱,捞匀,洒上鱼子即可供食。Julienne cucumber, put in mixing bowl, add in crab meat, mayonnaise and mustard, mix well. Sprinkle fish roe on top, ready to serve.

传统意义上的鱼子酱所使用的鱼子仅仅是指生长在里海和黑海中的野生鲟鱼所产的卵。Traditionally the designation caviar is only used for sturgeon roe from the wild sturgeon species living in the Caspian and Black Sea.

限制食用含胆固醇多的食物,如肉食动物的脑、肝、心、鱼子、肥肉、猪肉、黄油、骨髓等。Limitative edible contains the food with much cholesterol, the head that is like meat animal, liver, heart, roe, fat, pork, butter, marrow.

每片蕴含珍贵的深海鱼子精华,更揉合多种维他命,以及天然天矿物元素,高效保湿,帮助肌肤长久维持水分滋润及。Each sheet contains rare deep sea roe essence, a variety of vitamins and natural spring mineral substances, efficiently, durably moisturize skin and.

岁月令肌肤的耀眼光泽渐渐消失,鱼子精华水晶精华液却能令您的肌肤重现光彩。Time diminishes the light-reflective dazzle that shines from your skin. Skin Caviar Crystalline Concentre has been uniquely formulated to recover that glow.

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釉屋莹厚,有如堆脂,视如碧玉,扣声如馨,釉面沙眼显露了蟹爪纹、鱼子纹和芝麻花。House-ying thick glaze, like a heap fat, and treat them jasper, buckle sound like Xin, glazed trachoma revealed crab claw pattern, roe and sesame flower pattern.

蕴含来自深海的珍贵鱼子精华,揉合氨基酸、透明质酸及超微细营养复合物。能为肌肤带来水嫩幼滑的感受,赋于肌肤以星光般的活力及。Contain deep sea roe essence, amino acid, hyaluronic acid and super fine nourishing compound. It brings tender and smooth feeling for skin, make skin energetic and.

全球的保护措施,对出口的严格规范,以及人们对财富的贪欲,将使得鱼子供不应求。Global conservation measures, strictly regulating exports, combined with an insatiable appetite among the wealthy, will keep demand for caviar far outpacing the supply.