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你们吓唬不了我,你们放心。You don't frighten me.

我也要吓唬他。I want to frighten him.

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别板着脸吓唬我。Dont keep a straight face.

罗伯特,你在吓唬我。Robert, you’re scaring me.

较大的女孩吓唬她。The older girl buffaloed her.

狮子还吓唬你吗?。Does the lion return gally you?

像你这样的人吓唬不了我。Someone like you won't spook me.

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他们只是想吓唬社会。They only want to scare society.

你这么吓唬我,我真想宰了你!I could kill you for scaring me so!

事实上他们是受雇吓唬你的。And they're actually paid to scare you.

老师吓唬我们要更加努力读书。My teacher hectored us to study harder.

他像喜剧中的坏人那样吓唬人。He blustered like a villain in a comedy.

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我晚上戴着它们,出来吓唬人!I'd wear them at night and scare people!

你别吓唬我,安娜—劳拉缓缓道。No me asustas, Ana—dice Laura lentamente.

他们吓唬她,使她做出让步。They bluffed her into making concessions.

艾米丽总是能够吓唬住亨利。Emily had always been able to bluff Henry.

不要吓唬他,他在讲实话。Don't frighten him. He's telling the truth.

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我认为那含蓄的战争恫吓是吓唬人的。I thought the veiled threat of war was bluff.

她吓唬孩子说要狠狠打他们一顿。She threatened the children with a walloping.

居然以为他们可以在我自己的地盘上吓唬我。Think they can intimidate me in my own place.