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她息怒了。She ceased from anger.

温和的答案可以息怒。A soft answer turns away wrath.

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好女王,看在我的脸上,请息怒吧。Good queen, let us entreat you.

越易息怒的人,越伟大。The condition of being appeased.

温和的回答能够息怒。A soft answer turneth away wrath.

他们供奉祭品以求神息怒。They offered sacrifices to propitiate the god.

我们今晚出去之前得劝说那位老人息怒。We shall have to stroke the old man down before we go out tonight.

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所以,求你息怒,回心转意,不要降祸给你的子民吧。Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against thy people.

电梯门还没有息怒,又闹出了一起改字门。Elevator door has not yet pacified, but also with the sudden, to change the word gate.

伟大的法老,你能否息怒,看着一个卑劣的女王走进你的金字塔中长眠?Great pharaohs, noble lagides, will you without wrath see a queen who is unworthy of you enter your pyramids to sleep?

雅各在母亲急迫地催促下,逃到哈兰去与他的母舅拉班同住,直至以扫息怒为止。Acting on the urgent advice of his mother, Jacob fled to Haran to stay with his Uncle Laban until Esau got over his anger.

那姑娘以一种天仙似的羞恼动作,连忙把裙袍拂下去,但是他并没有因此而息怒。The young girl had hastily thrust down her dress, with a divinely troubled motion, but he was none the less angry for all that.

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有些人跪倒在地,号啕着双手叉在粪土泥污的地面上,叫喊着恳求法师令大地息怒。Some fell to their knees, wailing and pressing their hands in the muck and mud, shouting in supplication to the magus to ease his anger.

息怒,息怒,我看这样好不好,今天先到这里,我马上回去房间查些可靠的资料。Sorry, I'm sorry. Let's do it this way, put an end to it today, and I will be right back to my room and look for some reliable information.