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母亲给婴儿衬尿布。The mother diapered her baby.

帮我换一下小孩的尿布好吗?Can you change the baby's diaper?

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我是经过专门训练的换尿布专家!I was the ninja warrior of diapering!

她每两小时给婴儿换一次尿布。She changed the baby every two hours.

他刚给孙女儿换完尿布。He has just diapered his granddaughter.

她给婴儿喂了饭,换了尿布。She fed the baby and changed its nappy.

哦,唉呀。哦,天哪。该给你换尿布了。Oh, no. It's time to change your diaper.

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橡皮奶嘴、尿布、换洗的衣物。Pacifiers, diapers, a change of clothes.

假如我再多捡一个尿布我就会疯掉。If I pin one more diaper I may go insane.

没有脏兮兮臭烘烘的尿布,摆脱了橡皮奶头,也不再是一集又一集的情景喜剧。No more dirty diapers. No more pacifiers.

是到了喂奶,换尿布的时候了。Time for a feeding and time for a diapering.

垫一片尿布在婴儿的小屁股下,婴儿只会咕咕地低吟?Slip a diaper under the tush, and the baby coos?

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一个小姑娘在假装更换一个玩偶的尿布。A young girl pretending to change a doll's nappy.

为什么人们告别尿布的,时间如此之晚呢?Why are people getting out of diapers so much later?

换尿布的地方也布置在现场。A diaper-changing area will also be available onsite.

这样,那里就成为了贮存尿布和配方奶粉的仓库。So they were the storehouse for diapers and formula.

你家的尿布袋夹子是动漫人物。Your diaper bag is covered with anime character pins.

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为了您的尿布袋,一些衣服和一个围兜。For your bag with the diapers, some clothes and a bib.

脏尿布臭气熏天,臭鸡蛋令人作呕,但臭鼬才真的是臭不可闻!Dirty diapers are disgusting. Rotten eggs smell rancid.

我的两个小孩都使用尿布,而且非常喜欢。I cloth diapered two kids and LOVED every minute of it.