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有时候,我们的外在修持的确是真实的。Sometimes its true that our external practices are real.

由真法而生,有这般善行修持的功德。Born of the true Dhamma, endowed with such virtues as good practice.

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生此正见觉醒修持将变得坚强心稳固。With such a view your Awakening practice Will be strong and firm-minded.

所以,没有自己的约束跟修持的时候,会把我们系缚在生死轮迴中无法解脱。Self-restraint and shame are not what is holding us back from liberation.

因此他被称为修持天神布萨的圣者弟子。He is thus called a disciple of the noble ones undertaking the Deva-Uposatha.

因此他被称为修持梵天布萨的圣者弟子。He is thus called a disciple of the noble ones undertaking the Brahma-Uposatha.

因此他被称为修持法布萨的圣者弟子。He is thus called a disciple of the noble ones undertaking the Dhamma-Uposatha.

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因此他被称为修持戒德布萨的圣者弟子。He is thus called a disciple of the noble ones undertaking the virtue-Uposatha.

在穆斯林古鲁的指导下,他放弃了原有的宗教成就,重新投入新的修持上。Under the direction of his Mussalman guru he abandoned himself to his new sadhana.

若为导师,却不事修持,并行恶业,也是徒劳。It is futile to become a teacher who gives up Dharma practice and commits misdeeds.

观音法门就是为了他人的福祉而修持仁爱与慈悲的法门。The Chenrezig practice is related to love and compassion for the welfare of others.

有些时候,有利条件具足,修行品质感觉良好,你就要感恩并继续修持。Then those days, everything is favorable, your practice quality might be very good.

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而为能够修持圣法,我们首先必须获得暇满人身。In order to practice the holy Dharma, we need to first obtain a precious human birth.

在第二个训练当中基于此见我们被教导要修持知足。Now, in the second training, based on this view, we are told to practice contentment.

因此,对于佛法,一个人在接受灌顶和教学之后,应该进行修持。Therefore, in Dharma, after receiving initiation and teaching one should practise it.

而对仁爱与慈悲的修持则是十分实际而容易的实现的方法。The practice of loving kindness and compassion is very practical and easy to accomplish.

同时,要依赖其他人我们才能够修持爱与慈悲,这是必经之路。Also, it is compulsory that we depend on others in order to practice love and compassion.

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头陀行是早期佛教最常见的一种修持方式。Toutuoxing was one of the most common means of practicing Buddhism in the early Buddhism.

同过修持仁爱与非暴力的功德,我们可以帮助别人。Through the practice of the quality of loving kindness and non-violence we can help others.

从此即使在平时没有做这个修持时也可以清醒精神奕奕。From then on, you may also feel aware any time and any place even without doing the practice.