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戴耳塞。Wear earplugs.

买个耳塞来用用。Buy and use earplugs.

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安迪转过身把耳塞拔掉。Andy turns, removes an earplug.

潜水前他用耳塞堵住了他的耳朵。He stuffed up his ears with earplugs before diving.

好吧,我尽量多忍忍,或者去买副耳塞。OK, I'll try to be more patient or buy some earplugs.

耳塞和麦克风端不可小于4磅。The earpiece and microphone should not be less than 4lbs.

对不起,刚才我戴着耳塞,没听清您的问话。I'm sorry, I wear ear plugs, did not catch your questioning.

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我能说得是我从来没有听过比这更好的入耳监听耳塞。All I can say is I have never heard any better IEM hands down.

戴上耳塞或者护耳器等保护措施可以防止耳鸣。For tinnitus, protection like ear plugs or ear defenders help.

为了不打扰别人,他插上了耳塞。He jacked in the earphone so that he would not disturb others.

在嘈杂环境中工作时戴上耳塞。Put on ear p! ugs when you are working in a noisy environment.

那些耳塞往往太大,或者说你的耳朵太小,塞着很不舒服。They’re too big — or you’re too small — for satisfactory wedging.

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遗落了一只耳塞,但已经习惯了只用一只耳塞听歌。Lose a earplugs , but had been accustomed to use a earplugs songs.

在眼睛上带上遮光眼罩,在耳中塞入耳塞。Slip an eyeshade over your eyes and stuff earplugs into your ears.

移动耳塞用来指示相应的日期。The earplug is moved from ear to ear to indicate the current date.

如果你浅睡易醒或是对鼾声敏感,请自备耳塞。Bring ear plugs if you are a light sleeper or sensitive to snoring.

如果有噪音干扰,带个耳塞或者买个“白噪音”机器。If noise bothers you, wear earplugs or get a "white noise" machine.

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强纳生戴上耳塞,而不对噪音发脾气。Jonathan put in earplugs rather than getting angry about the noise.

一份最新的研究报告指出入耳式耳塞可能影响心脏起搏器的正常功能。A new study found that headphone ear buds can make them a bit wonky.

这是一种能把耳塞刚好弯到你的耳朵里的可折叠的头巾。It’s a foldable headband that bends the earbuds right into your ears.