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我看见一只蠕动的虫子。I see a wiggly worm.

它们不停地蠕动着。They wriggled and squirmed.

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这就是所谓的蠕动。This is called peristalsis.

一条蛇蠕动着爬上了树。A snake squiggled up the tree.

提供了一种蠕动泵。A peristaltic pump is provided.

蠕动的蛆虫令人作呕。The creeping maggots are yucky.

你是某种蠕动的窥淫癖者。You're some kind of creepy voyeur.

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蛇蠕动著爬过草地。The snake twisted across the grass.

交通就像毛毛虫一样在蠕动!The traffic just moves like a worm!

那个苹果上满是蠕动的虫子。That apple is crawling with wiggly worms.

蠕动就是像虫子一样扭来扭去。To wriggle is to wrest about like a worm.

如果我被钉住了,四肢蠕动于墙面。When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall.

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这种缺乏特征蠕动的产品乃罕见之作。Such rigorous lack of feature-creep is rare.

他读和整顿,他蠕动和忧虑。He reads and tidies, he wriggles and worries.

液体是用蠕动泵来注入的。The liquids are pumped with a peristaltic pump.

杜宣看了,以为是一条蛇在酒杯中蠕动。Du Xuan took the reflection for a squirming snake.

长长的草像蠕动的爬虫使他们腿发痒。Long grass tickled their legs like creepy crawlies.

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喝姜茶有助于促进肠胃蠕动。Drinking ginger tea will help start a bowel movement.

蠕虫蠕动的时候,它的毛会发出轻微的声音。The worm makes a quiet noise with its bristles as it moves.

如此连续作用即为蠕动泵的工作原理。Namely the role of such a continuous peristaltic pump works.