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在我回家的路上,我遇到了一位解放军。On my way home. I met a P.

解放军里有许多雷锋式人物。There are many Lei Fengs in PLA.

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解放军电子工程学院。PLA Electronic Engineering Institute.

她有两个儿子,他们都是解放军。She has two sons who are P. L. A. men.

解放军有许多军事院校。The PLA has lots of military academies.

解放军队获得了大部分奖牌。The army team carried off most of the medals.

美军参联会主席马伦参观解放军陆空部队。US military chief visits Chinese air force base.

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解放军军事医学科学院放射医学研究所。Chinese PLA Academy of Military Medical Sciences.

她有两个儿子,他们都是解放军。Maybe she has other sons who are not P. L. A. men.

她只有两个儿子,他们都是解放军。She has only two sons. They are both P. L. A. men.

解放军突然夜袭,占领了那个城市。The PLA men seized the city in a sudden night attack.

他说,克伦民族解放军士兵没有参与伏击。He said KNLA soldiers did not take part in the ambush.

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因此,这是更解放军特种部队之间的特殊警察部队722尊重?So which are more respected between PLA SOF and SPC 722?

解放军已严阵以待,粉碎任何分裂祖国的图谋。The PLA is ready to crash attempts to split the country.

你说我们会像解放军一样受到欢迎。You said that we were going to be greeted as liberators.

解放军是祖国的钢铁长城。The Liberation Arm is the steel Great Wall of motherland.

百万解放军突破长江防线。April 1949 20 million PLA breakthrough Yangtze river line.

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这个解放军战士假期未满就回团了。The PLA man joined his regiment before his leave was over.

解放军卫生工作的主要创始人为贺诚。The primary founder of the PLA's health work was He Cheng.

但是在我们完成反击准备之前,解放军就撤退了。But before we finished all preparations, PLAs had retreated.