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他的申请已经送上去审批。His application has been sent up for approval.

如果海关审批没有通过就不能退运回法国。If not, we would not return the goods to France.

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每个审批人员可以接受或拒绝该审批。Every approver can accept or reject his Approval.

每两年度对它们进行一次审批。They have always been approved for every biennium.

据信,还有大约200家机构正等待审批。Some 200 more are believed to be awaiting approval.

审批过程可以是顺序的或并行的。The approval process could be sequential or parallel.

如果您认为您的宠物已癣,是否可以向审批。If you think your pet has ringworm , take it to the vet.

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完成07财年年度计划并通过安全执行局审批Complete the FY 07 Annual Plan and secure Board approval.

保单生效日期须经核保审批。Policy effective date subject to underwriting acceptance.

从事动画制作技能培训要办理前期审批手续吗?Animation skills to engage in pre-approval procedures for it?

这份报告已经领导审批。This report has been examined and approved by the leadership.

七条至第十条规定的程序办理审批手续and go through the procedures stipulated in the articles 7-10

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这种预先研究可以大大加快管制审批。Such advance studies can greatly expedite regulatory approval.

感激您在百忙之中抽暇审批这份资料。Thank you for your busy schedule to Chouxia approve the material.

这份报告已呈报委员会审批。The report was submitted to the commission for its consideration.

联系客户,并加快对客户报价的审批。Liaising and expediting approval of the quotation with the client.

隆伯斯则审批哪些申请是可行的。Rhombus reviews the requests and determines which ones are viable.

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在本例中,您将构建一个简单的信用审批组件。In this example, you will build a simple credit approval component.

替换疫苗中的硫柳汞还需要管制审批。Replacing thiomersal in vaccines would require regulatory approval.

药品被审批之后就要接受市场的监督。After a drug is approved, it is subject to post-market surveillance.