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代数,数论,费尔马大定理等介绍。Algebra, Number Theory, Fermat's Last Theorem, etc.

在任意一本有关数论的书中,素数都是一个大的论题。The topic of primes is a large part of any book on number theory.

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代数,数论,费尔马大定理等介绍。Introduction to Algebra, Number Theory, Fermat's Last Theorem, etc.

佛教与古代印度数论哲学接近。Theory of Buddhism was similar to ancient India philosophy's Samkhya.

研究一个包含数论函数的方程的可解性。The solvability of an equation involving the arithmetical function is studied.

瑜伽派被认为是从某些数论派哲学中兴起的。The Yoga system is considered by some to have arisen from the Samkhya philosophy.

该判据是由王翼教授首次提出并用数论方法给出证明的。The criterion was first put forward and proved with number theory by professor Wang Yi.

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而连续犯则是刑法罪数论中颇具争议的概念。But the continual offence is a very disputable concept in the theory of quantity of crime.

在本文中我们用模型论方法证明了关于代数与数论的一些结果。In this paper we prove some results on Algebra and Number Theory by Model-Theoretic method.

他们长时间的谈话,从库恩先生为自己的道歉开始,关于数论。Their hour-long conversation, from which Mr. Kuhn excused himself, concerned number theory.

不定方程是数论的一个分支,它有着悠久的历史与丰富的内容。On the diophantine equation is the number one branch, it has a long history and rich content.

通过运用初等数论方法,推导出本原同余数公式。The original congruent number formula has been deduced by fundmental methods of number theory.

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割圆连比例不可能为清代级数论提供坚实的基础。The cyclotomic continued proportion is impossible to furnish Qing-times series with a solid basis.

拉里•佩奇和谢尔盖•布林则收获了精神上的愉悦,因为他们证明了自己仍然还记得数论。Larry Page and Sergey Brin got the pleasure of proving that they still remember their number theory.

素数的排列规律和鉴别方法一直是数论中研究的重要问题之一。The permutation law and decision method of prime number is an important question of the number theory.

作为与桑蒂利接触的结果,他对iso-数论做出了贡献。He has made contributions to iso-number theory which is developed as a result of contact with Santilli.

本文利用数论中的佳点集理论和方法,给出了佳点集遗传算法。In this paper, on the basis of the good-point set theory, a good-point set genetic algorithm is designed.

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RSA算法是基于数论的公钥密码体制,是公钥密码体制中最优秀的加密算法。The RSA algorithm based on the numeric theory is the best encryption algorithm in public key cryptosystems.

解析数论非常幸运还有一个最为有名的未解决的问题,即黎曼假设。Analytic number theory is fortunate to have one of the most famous unsolved problems, the Riemann hypothesis.

经过识别的问题,我们尽可能同时用双定数论的观点和随机论的观点来处理。Whenever possible, the problems identified are treated from both deterministic and stochastic points of view.