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包括衣服、头盔、手套、鞋袜、背包、雨具、探照灯、控制柄及其他自行车部件、配饰等。other cycle parts and accessories, etc.

一天孔子出门,让子路准备雨具。One day the master go out, to prepare zi lu rain gear.

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带上渔具和雨具。Bring fishing equipment and rain gear to stay fed and dry.

他会把他的雨衣给了那些忘了带雨具的人。Once he gave his raincoat to a derelict plodding in the rain.

如果是雨天,不要将雨具带入办公室。Do not carry your umbrella into his office in case of raining.

雨具是必要在每个人的生活,特别是雨伞。Rain gear is a necessity in everyone's life, especially umbrella.

一种电动自行车龙头防雨罩,涉及一种雨具。A rain cover for a faucet of an electric bicycle relates to a rain gear.

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看着身旁没带雨具惊惶失措的人们,心里多少庆幸自己的明智之举。I felicitated my wise choice when I saw the panic-stricken people without taking rain gears.

马上下班了,也没带雨具,可怎么回家呀,哎,等等看吧。Immediately after work, and also did not bring rain gear, how can home Yeah, hey, Just wait.

一个低年级的小姑娘,忘记带雨具了在雨中奔跑,雨水湿透了她的衣裳。A low-grade girl, forgetting to bring rain gear running in the rain, rain soaked her clothes.

无论是在一年中的什么季节,非棉质的套头衫和雨具永远是明智之选。Non-cotton sweaters and rain gear are always a good idea, no matter what time of year you go.

虽然轻也许是合适的衣服在任何情况下,有时包装雨具可节省您的旅行!While light clothes might be appropriate in any case , sometimes packing rain gear can save your trip!

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有荣幸向您介绍,敝公司是一家信誉优良的雨具出口商。We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as one of the most reputable rain wears exporters.

咱们有那个荣幸向您介绍,敝一自己自己搞是一家信誉优良的雨具出口商。We HAs the pleacertain of introducing ourselves to you as one of the maximum reputable rain wears exporters.

我,穿着雨具,橡胶靴,戴着护膝,尽量避免踩到亮晶晶滑腻腻的海藻而滑倒,免得最后成了鱼食。I, in rain gear, rubber boots, and knee-pads, am trying not to slip on the shiny, slick kelp andend up as fish food.

保管好淋水雨具,不要让水滴在扶梯上,以免扶梯发生故障或危险。Keep a good drenching rain gear, don't let the water droplets on the escalator, lest the escalator failure or dangerous.

那天,我看见许多游客带着失望离开这这座公园,而许多和我一样的人打着伞和穿着雨具来拍摄照片。That day I saw many tourist leaving the parkindisappointment while many others like me took photos with umbrella and rain gear.

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为防止晒伤及为恶劣天气作准备,参加者应带备太阳帽及雨具作保护。In order to avoid getting a sunburn and be prepared for adverse weather, participants should use suitable sun caps and rain gear.

珠穆朗玛峰雨具是一家专业从事雨伞设计、制作、销售于一体的生产企业,位于晋江市东石镇。Everest Umbrella Company located in Dongshi Town Jinjiang County is a company integrating umbrella design, production and marketing.

可能为显示那身崭新的雨具,那个少年稚气末脱地专门走着水泊,不时地溅起了片片水花。Possible for display the new gear, the youth childishness end off special walk Shuibo, occasionally splashing the patches of waterworks.