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这种想法隐隐约约地浮现在我的脑海中。The thought rose dimly in my mind.

一艘海盗船隐隐约约在雾中出现了。A sea rover has appeared indistinctly in the fog.

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上诉和判决隐隐约约可能无法顺利执行。Appeals loom and the sentences may not be carried out.

隐隐约约,在一个小角落里,隐藏着一株小小的茶花。Vaguely, in a small corner, hidden in a small camellias.

这是一个隐隐约约的暗示,好像黎明的微光一样。It is a faint intimation, yet so are the first streaks of morning.

他隐隐约约开始明白,自己长久以来为什么都在做着同样一个梦。He began to understand indistinctly why he always had the same dream.

大厅里隐隐约约响起了交谈声,来人很快便进了屋。Some parleying was audible in the hall, and soon the new-comer entered.

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隐隐约约感觉有人在轻轻的摇自己,云裳迷迷糊糊睁开了眼。Feeling faint in gently shake oneself, someone in a daze opened his eyes and the cloud.

14就在这时,树林里绿色的林荫道上隐隐约约传来一声锡皮玩具喇叭声。Just here the blast of a toy tin trumpet came faintly down the green aisles of the forest.

这设拉子拥有丰富的口感,浆果、胡椒和隐隐约约的典型猎人谷的泥土气息。This shiraz has a rich palate with berries, spicy pepper and hints of typical Hunter earth.

高挑和光耀的女王,来吧,允我再看一眼你那隐隐约约、如同花儿一般盛开的乌发吧。Tall, glimmering queen, come near, and let me see again the shadowy blossom of thy dim hair.

夜深了,说话的声音没有了,好像听到了有人隐隐约约地哭。It is very late at night, sound that speak have, is it hear someone cry indistinctly to seem.

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一些医生会隐藏自己意见,以一种隐隐约约的方式指导病人做决定。Some will resort to veiling their own opinions in a halfhearted attempt to direct the decision.

呛人的空气隐隐约约的有股臭味,我觉得这样的世界,万物都没有了生机。Choking air indistinctly has a foul smell, I think such a world, everything all have no vitality.

坐在车上,我隐隐约约能看见外面正在下雪,是鹅毛碎片似的小雪。Sitting gin the car, I can see it's snowing outside, a faint is light snow goose feather fragments.

我望了望隐隐约约矗立在最高点的第八烽火台,决心征服它。I looked vaguely at the highest point stands the eighth beacon towers, and determined to conquer it.

在看林人的小屋旁边,隐隐约约可以看见哥萨克的窝棚和拴在一起的马的黑影。Close by the hut could be seen the black outlines of the Cossacks' shanties and the horses tied together.

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在靠近脖子和后颈的部位应该能隐隐约约看到头皮。The hair should be getting lighter, and the scalp should be slightly visible toward the nape of the neck.

在某些病例,下腹部疼痛剧烈,因而容易识别,在另一些病例,疼痛隐隐约约,因而难以定位。In some cases, the pain is sharp and easy to identify, in other cases it is unspecific and hard to locate.

我们甚至可以假设,他隐隐约约地推测到了那些有教养的人会在毕加索的画里发现的某些伟大的艺术价值。We will even suppose that he faintly surmises some of the great art values the cultivated find in Picasso.