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我未曾见过雪。I have never seen snow.

但是痛苦却未曾停止。But it dosen't stop the pain.

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他甚至连那封信都未曾打开过。He didn't even open the letter.

不,萨莉未曾弹过钢琴。No, Sally never plays the piano.

而所有这些都是我之前未曾接触过的。that I didn't know anything about.

他从来未曾屈尊与我谈话。He never condescends to speak to me.

她保存着一枚未曾用过的猴邮票。She keeps an unused stamp of monkey.

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就像是未曾开化的运算系统。It's an extremely uncivilized system.

把我的心交给一个未曾见过面的人。Losing my heart to a goy I've not met.

神未曾应许,常晴无雨。God hath not promised sun without rain.

那具未曾烧尽的尸体还蜷缩在木床的余烬里。She had to sift ashes from the cinders.

平安的路,他们未曾知道。And the way of peace have they not known

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神未曾应许天色常蓝。God hath not promised skies always blue.

从政治方面,你们可能从未曾看对眼。In politics, you may not see eye to eye.

就像你未曾受过伤害那样尽情去爱。Love as though you have neven been hurt.

我突然想起烘箱未曾关掉。It dawned on me that I'd left the oven on.

假若他未曾从朽腐的洞穴复活If from that moldering cell He had not risen

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那时冒牌的艳色还未曾出世。Before these bastard signs of fair were born.

但它们都未曾为飞来横福而颤抖、喘息。But none ever trembled and panted with bliss.

如此大规模的动物安置工作未曾有过。Nothings ever been done on this scale before.