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我那段十年的婚姻以离婚告终。My 10-year marriage ended in divorce.

全剧以哈姆雷特被谋杀然而告终。The play ends up with Hamlet's murder.

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辩论以斗殴而告终。The argument culminated in a fist fight.

冲突以抢劫犯的胜利而告终。The warfare ended in the robbers' victory.

她的旅行计划由于钱的数量有限而告终。Her limited money kiboshed her travel plan.

阿富汗的石油之战可能以失败告终。Oil war there will likely result in failure.

美国在亚洲的行经最终以失败告终。The American mission to Asia ended in failure.

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Webvan于2001年以破产法第11章告终。Webvan ended in Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2001.

这场战争最终以移居英国的诺曼人的失败而告终。The war ended in failure for the Anglo- Normans.

以往的军事行动都以停火而告终。Previous military operations have ended in truces.

比赛以意大利队获胜告终。The game terminated in a victory for Italian team.

估计这次共和党人应当会以失败告终。By most reckonings the Republicans should be doomed.

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其实那便是我们以出售公司而告终的原因。That’s actually why we ended up selling the company.

因为全力一咬很可能以伤害他们自己而告终。Because a full-force bite could wind up hurting them.

五个玩棋牌游戏的孩子总是以眼泪汪汪告终的。Five children playing Monopoly always ended in tears.

手术做了三天三夜,以失败告终。A surgery for three days and three nights, in failure.

阴谋总是以可耻的结尾告终!The conspiracy frittered away to ignominious conclusion.

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第一次的交易以5R个损失而告终。The first trade occurs and it ends up being the 5R loser.

这场斗争长达几十年,最终以不建托克岛大坝告终。The struggle to defeat Tocks island Dam was decades long.

他写道,情感上的反犹太主义将以大屠杀而告终。Emotional antisemitism, he wrote, merely ended in pogroms.