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存在论是这类研究的中心思想。Ontology is its central branch.

其中心思想是每一个部件都会被再利用And the basic idea is that parts get re-used.

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段落主题句或中心思想型任务。Topic Sentences, key words or mainidea tasks.

所以,全文的中心思想是讲计算机在各种商业行业中给人们带来的便利。A. Approaches to the commercial use of computers.

这是设计真空炉应考虑的中心思想。This is the key point for the design of vacuum furnace.

这篇文章的中心思想是对自己负责。The main message in the article was about self-responsibility.

如果只是如鹦鹉般学舌,没有自己的中心思想,那就不好了。It is bad to be as the parrot speaks who has no its own thought.

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你能用简明的语言概括这首古诗的中心思想吗?Can you sum up the central idea of this ancient poem in plain terms?

饮食偏好应该是种族自我中心思想最为人熟知的例子。Food preferences are perhaps the most familiar aspect of ethnocentrism.

所以食物的中心思想便是所有人类生存的根本。So, this central idea of food is the fundamental in all human existence.

记住所有的内容都是要以这个中心思想为扩散点。Remembering all content is to want to be nodded to diffuse with this clou.

对中心思想的概括,是喜欢细节性的问题还是简略回答?The general gist of it is like details of the issues or to answer a brief?

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现在你要把每个分段的中心思想都用一句整话写出来。Now write down the main idea of each section in one well-developed sentence.

而中心思想就是,你需要清楚地标注出你拥有的版权。But the idea is that you want to make it very clear what copyrights you have.

我所叙述的这种矛盾,是始终存在于现代文学的中心思想中的。This ambivalence that I'm describing is at the center of modern literature generally.

仔细阅读课文,并找出那些能够体现中心思想并能支持观点的词语。Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.

其中心思想是避免完全依赖单一存储介质和单一存储地点。The central idea is to avoid relying entirely on any single storage media or single location.

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其中心思想认为空穴是影响氧化锆结构稳定性的最重要因素。One can assume that oxygen vacancies are the most important effect on the properties of zirconia.

必须彻底了解每一篇课文,并能说出每课的中心思想。See that you understand every lesson thoroughly and be able to tell the main idea of each lesson.

中心思想则是通过奖赏忠诚并惩罚自由思想来维护社会秩序。The main idea is to maintain social structures that reward loyalty and punish freedom of thought.