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我的全部计划都流产了。All my plans have miscarried.

斯洛伐克碾核乐队流产。Slovak grindcore band Abortion.

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对一个孩子错误的教育相当于一次流产。A child miseducated is a child lost.

我猜这比“给她做强制流产”要好多了。I guess it's better than aborting her.

甚至连赞成选择的自由女权主义者都不会同意流产的。Not even pro-choice liberal feminists.

流产的风险约为四百分之一。The risk of miscarriage is about 1 in 400.

这种状况称之为流产综合症。This condition is called Post-Abortion Syndrome.

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咖啡因会导致流产这一说法是怎么一回事?What’s this about caffeine causing miscarriages?

海伦怀孕三个月时流产了。Helen aborted when she was three months pregnant.

“噢,”比尔,她伤心欲绝地说,我要流产了。Oh, Bill, ' she was inconsolable, 'I'm losing it.

每年都有妇女死于流产并发症。Women die every year from abortion complications.

她怀孕的第三个月就流产了。She miscarried in the third month of her pregnancy.

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禁用蓖麻油泻剂,以免引起流产。Ban with castor oil evacuant, lest cause miscarriage.

在海牙,玛丽朗费罗流产了。In the Hague, Mary Longfellow suffered a miscarriage.

中国严厉打击性别选择性流产。China to harshly crack down on sex-selective abortion.

如果你的朋友要求流产的话,你会有什么反应?How would you react if your friend wanted an abortion?

你可以通过针灸来晚期流产。You can give a late-term abortion with just acupuncture.

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他曾投票反对流产药物RU486的使用。He voted against the introduction of abortion pill RU486.

对于这场辩论的发起者来说,我认为没有人会赞成流产!For starters, it is my belief that NO ONE is pro-abortion!

如果你已经走到了现在,你就不太可能会流产了。If you’ve made it this far it’s likely you won’t miscarry.