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适用于人流后体虚的调养。Apply to people the aftercare.

人流是想都别想的。An abortion is out of the question.

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原来他在那里给人做人流手术。He had been performing abortions there.

面对这样的危险处境,也许会有人流眼泪?A tear in the face of such peril, perhaps?

主日学校的孩子纷纷涌上街头,到处是熙攘的人流。Sunday school was spilling on to the street.

胎位不正想做人流怎么做?How does malposition want to do stream of people?

做了人流!现在我又怀孕了,70天了!The flow of people do! I am pregnant now, 70 days!

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在人流过程中大约有1/20的女性会发生宫颈撕裂。About 1 out of 20 women suffer this during an abortion.

几乎她认识的所有人都做过至少一次人流手术。Almost everyone she knew had had at least one abortion.

但要在熙攘人流中侦测爆炸物,确实是个难题。But explosives detection remains a problem in mass transit.

淮安无痛人流医院哪里技术比较先进啊?Huai'an painless hospital where more advanced technology ah?

我永远也忘不了那喧闹声,那气味儿,那拥挤的人流。I'll never forget the noise, and the smells, and the crowds.

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这个女孩怀孕三个月时做了人流。The girl had an abortion when she was three months pregnant.

有时当车辆和人流太多的时候感觉呼吸都很困难。AIt gets difficult to breathe sometimes with all the traffic.

她从他的身边走开,加入了大厅的人流之中。She moves away from him and joins the crowds in the terminal.

做人流为什么选择西安慈爱妇产医院?Why choose to do stream of people Beijing gynecology hospital?

采取各项所需措施控制人流,避免过分挤迫。To take all necessary measures to control against overcrowding.

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政府还部署了资金和人力来应对人流的大量涌入。The move authorises funds and personnel to deal with the influx.

叛逃的人起先屈指可数,后来越来越多,汇成了一股源源不断的人流。From a handful, the number of desertions grew to a steady stream.

无痛人流后能吃头孢拉定胶囊和甲硝唑合着吃吗?After the painless and eat Cephradine Capsules Metronidazole co eat?