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笑口常开是无上的良药。Finds laughter is the best medicine.

无上瑜伽的修炼是无穷无尽的。Practice of kundalini yoga is endless.

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我们感谢你,为了你无上的光荣。We give You thanks for Your great Glory.

哇嗷,我沉浸在无上的快感之中。Wow. I was overwhelmed by immense pleasure.

无上瑜伽的修练是无穷无尽的。Practice of supreme yoga is the same as this.

无上瑜伽的修炼也正是如此。Practice of Kundalini yoga is the same as this.

应发无上菩提之心。They should bring forth The Supreme Bodhi Mind.

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圣洁而知耻的妇女,乃无上的恩赐。A holy and shamefaced woman is grace upon grace.

好耐无上来,祝大家新一年事事顺利,身体健康!Wishing all of you a happy & fruitful new Year !

当我们吃到了这个饵,那一刻我们就像是体验到了世界无上的幸福。We get a bite, and then we are in a world of joy.

我祈祷所有的生命获得无上正等正觉。I pray that all will gain unsurpassed Enlightenment.

法兰西革命是人类无上的光荣。The French Revolution is the consecration of humanity.

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和总统握手他感应无上的光荣。He is greatly honored of shaking hands with the President.

无上甚深微妙法。The unsurpassed, deep, profound, subtle, wonderful Dharma.

具有直立断层面的断层既无上盘,也无下盘。A vertical fault has neither a footwall nor a hanging wall.

这个从本尊来的无上身份,在每个境相里。This Supreme Identity of the Exalted Self is in every image.

有这样一句话,说不存在无上完美幸福的爱情。It has been said that completely blissful love does not exist.

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我们不会无理由的就说你是至尊无上的存有。We do not tell you that you are sovereign beings without reason.

这里如来转动了无上法轮!Here the Tathagata set rolling the unexcelled Wheel of the Dhamma!

那是谁的巧手,偷偷将无上的美景,搬到了这里?。Who is that adab hand, secretly will supreme beauty, moved to here?