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为什么省略它们?Why omit them?

你可以省略的最大参数。You can omit the max parameter.

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这里我省略了小括号。So, I'm dropping the parentheses.

他说话时把一些词语省略了。He clipped his words when speaking.

数据手册的第6页被省略。Page 6 of the datasheet is omitted.

因此您可以省略这个模式位置。So you can omit the schema location.

第二段可以省略。The second paragraph can be omitted.

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您可以省略这一格式信息。You can omit this format information.

首先,我们省略一些无关紧要的功能。First, we omit some inessential features.

因此,传真机实际上为我们省略了这一步。So the fax machine actually saves a step.

腹部叩诊常被省略。Percussion of the abdomen is often omitted.

回到我的琐屑之中,忙碌着,这是我无以省略的。Back to my trivial, busy, this is me to omit.

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省略这一参数将替换整个页面。Omitting this argument replaces the entire page.

省略不必要的东西是纯粹的美。Omitting the unnecessary is a thing of pure beauty.

上面的示例省略了实际证书数据。The example above omits the actual certificate data.

如果省略了文件名,则显示文档。If you omit the file name, the document is displayed.

非重读字首音的省略。Omission of a final or initial sound in pronunciation.

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当其充当同位语时,亦可省略。This is also true to appositive prepositional phrases.

对于单组分流体,这个下标可以省略。In a single-species fluid, the subscript may be dropped.

通过这种方法,它可以省略元素的结束标签。By doing this, it can omit the closing tag of an element.