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穿衣,洗漱,出门。Clothe, wash the , and go out.

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我淋浴,洗漱,梳头。I shower, clean up, do my hair.

他们每天在院子里洗漱。Al dia, ellos se asean en el patio.

洗漱完毕,我在家吃完早餐。Afterwashing, I eat breakfast at home.

也没有可以更衣洗漱的旅店。No inns where they could refresh themselves.

在家的时候,我用水管中的温水洗漱。At home, I wash in warm water from the faucet.

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浴室里的洗漱用品都是欧莱雅的。Like the L'Occitane toiletries in the bathroom.

洗漱,吃早餐,阅读工作日计划。Wash eat breakfast read the plan of our work day.

我花了一些时间起床,然后很快地洗漱完毕。I take my time waking up, but then I wash up quickly.

当我们去野营的时候,我用小溪中的凉水洗漱。When we go camping, I wash in cold water from the stream.

然后,她洗漱,并整理他的房间。After that, he washes and brushes, and tidies up his room.

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赶快去洗漱,洗漱完了出来用膳!Wash Shu in a moment, bathed Shu to finish out to take meal!

一天上午的早些时候,我看见沉默的歌手在河边洗漱。Early one morning I saw the Mute Singer washing himself at the river.

我们阅读我们的邮件,洗漱,吃早餐,阅读工作日的安排。We read our mail , wash , eat breakfast , read the plan of our work day.

而且,不知为什么,上了一天的班,他闻起来,仍像是刚刚洗漱完一样。And somehow, after a long day at the office, he still smelled like aftershave.

不知道为什么,在办公室待了漫长的一天之后,我仍然是像是刚刚洗漱完的气味。And somehow, after that long day at the office, I still smelled like aftershave.

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她的衣服扔在椅子上,洗漱用品在洗手间里扔得到处都是。She has her clothes on a chair, she has her toiletries spread all over the bathroom.

大家在此洗漱换装,登上早已在此等候的超豪华大巴踏上回剡的旅途。There we changed and boarded the luxury bus waiting there to the trip back to Shengzhou.

孩子们必须形成的另一个习惯是早晨早早起床洗漱。Another habit children must form is to get up early in the morning and wlung burning ash.