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穆沙拉夫的党派名列第三,获得38个议席。Mr. Musharraf's party is in third with 38 seats.

他们决心从工党手里重新夺得这个议席。They were determined to win the seat back from Labor.

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大会的15个议席只有很少的190选民参加。The assembly's 15 seats have electorates as small as 190.

新的立法会议席中半数将直接选举产生。Half of the new legislative seats would be directly elected.

然后最迟于2016年,全面取消功能界别议席。By 2016 at the latest, abolish all Functional Constituencies.

共和党人在乡村,和传统上对民主党死忠的地区拿下了多个议席。The Republicans picked up seats in rural, yellow-doggish areas.

而选自功能界别议席的成员大都亲政府。Members chosen by functional constituencies are mostly pro-government.

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你赞唔赞成区议会设有委任议席?。Do you agree there should be appointed members in the District Council?

分析家们预计,民主党人可能会再增加20个到35个之间的众议院议席。Analysts predict Democrats could win between 20 and 35 additional seats.

增加区议员议席的幅度应该多大?What should be the extent of seats allocated to District Council members?

在失去议席的人之中包括新加坡外交部长杨荣文。Among those who lost their seats is Singapore's Foreign Minister George Yeo.

你知唔知道黎紧�届区议会有冇委任议席?。Do you know whether there is any appointed member in the next District Council?

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欧洲议会中的绿色党团也从最初占议会议席到数第二的小党团一度发展成为欧洲议会中的第三大党团。To that date it is possible to green party to set up green group in the EU parliament.

你赞唔赞成九七年后既区议会增加委任议席?。Do you agree to the reintroduction of appointed seats into the District Boards after 1997?

但保住现有的49个参议院议席中的45或46个,却并非是遥不可及。But it is not far-fetched to hope that we can hold 45 or 46 of our current 49 Senate seats.

届时,所有成年居民都有权投票,选出二十个直选议席。Every adult permanent resident will have the right to vote for the 20 directly-elected seats.

选民将填补375在500席的国会议席,与现职任期四年议员。Voters will fill 375 seats in the 500-seat parliament, with lawmakers serving four-year terms.

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在一些足球比赛在北部城市沉阳,只有三分之一的议席。At some football matches in the northern city of Shenyang, only a third of the seats were taken.

类似的基督教政党在二零零四及零八年大选中,都无法在国会取得议席。Similar Protestant parties in 2004 and 2008 failed to secure any seats in the National Assembly.

李明博那一派在上周的选举中出了纰漏,失去了大部分市政议席。Mr Lee's party fluffed last week's elections, losing the majority they held among municipal seats.