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昨天,我丈夫入土为安了。I buried my husband yesterday.

很抱歉,次我帮不了你,“她说,”我最多只能让你入土为安。I'm sorry, I can't help you out this time!

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⊙、每天晚上盖被子都感觉是在入土为安。Every night cover with quilt son feeling is in the grave.

三名纽沃克校园枪击案的受害者昨天入土为安了。The three victims from the Newark school shootings have been buried.

爱情是婚姻的坟墓,但入土为安总比暴尸街头好。Love is the tomb of marriage, but grave is better than BaoShi street.

于是把少女的尸体背回家,买回棺木厚葬了,让少女入土为安。So the girl's body back home, buy a coffin burial, so that girls buried.

伊斯兰教的传统是,死亡后需要在24小时之内入土为安。Under Islamic tradition, bodies ought to be buried within 24 hours of death.

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我门无处安放的青春。就让它在这个盛夏入土为安。I have nowhere to place the door of their youth. Let rest in peace in this summer.

将要入土为安的老人,你可听见人间如此美妙的表演么?The elderly who would have to rest in peace, can you hear such a wonderful human performers?

按照教义,犹太教徒必须在死后很短的时间内入土为安。In accordance with the teachings, after the death of the jewish must have a very short period of time.

虽然小鸟可能会吃掉大多数成熟的果实,但珍宁还是弄到了几个熟果并让其中的种子‘入土为安’了。"While birds probably took most mature fruit, some she managed to get and sow in the field, " de Lange says.

很多人说婚姻是爱情的坟墓,但是能够入土为安的爱情总比暴尸街头要好。Many people say that marriage is the tomb of love, but love can be laid to rest is better than storm the streets.

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她告诉我,她希望自己会很快离去、入土为安,并感谢我是那个她可以吐露心声的人。She tells me she hopes she'll die soon and be at peace and thanks me for being the person to whom this can be revealed.

“很抱歉,这一次我帮不了你,”她说,“我最多只能让你入土为安。”“I’m sorry, I can’t help you out this time!” replied the 2nd wife. “At the very most, I can only send you to your grave.”

两个学生来敲门的时候,正是父亲入土为安后的第二天,不再有吊客盈门。It was the second day of my father’s bones buried and no longer the mourners was packed in room, when two students came to knock my door.

在绿色殡葬理念的感召下,一些人开始转变“入土为安”的传统观念,选择树葬、花葬等生态葬法的人越来越多。With the appeal of green funeral and interment, an increase of people choose the ecological funerals, like the tree funeral and the flower funeral.

北京时间3月25日清晨,好莱坞传奇女星伊莉莎白·泰勒的私人葬礼在洛杉矶郊外举行,玉婆告别了自己丰富多彩的一生,入土为安。The crowds finally parted for Elizabeth Taylor as the screen legend was buried yesterday in a small private ceremony on a quiet hill outside Los Angeles.

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他们今天都已在纪念仪式中被入土为安,市长大声疾呼称对发生暴力犯罪事件“受够了”。They were all laid to rest today during emotional services that included the mayor of the city shouting "enough is enough" when it comes to violent crimes.

此举在遇难者家属中引发争议。在让死者留在水下坟墓还是入土为安的问题上,家属们仍然各执一词。It has, however, caused controversy among families of the dead, who are split over whether to leave the victims in their watery grave or to bury them on land.

另一些人拿着“让奥巴马的关怀与肯尼迪一起入土为安”的牌匾,耻笑奥巴马不愧与安葬在阿灵顿国家公墓的参议员肯尼迪一样同出一辙,都是念念不忘支持医疗改革的元老。Some held placards declaring “Bury Obama care with Kennedy”, referring to Senator Edward Kennedy, a veteran champion of health reform, who now lies in Arlington cemetery.