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时至今日,这些聚居区依然如故。These communities still exist today.

可它仍然稳稳地静卧在那里,依然如故。But it still firmly lying there, remain unchanged.

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今天,弥漫其间的优雅风姿依然如故。Today the time-honored elegance still pervades it.

我和马尔科姆之间的友谊渐长,但我对他的好奇依然如故。My friendship with Malcolm grew but my curiousity remained.

但是他们家乡的苦难生活却依然如故。But the misery of life back in their home town is never far away.

一个成年女子该怎样感谢母亲依然如故的角色?How does a grown woman thank for a mother for continuing to be a mother?

若以一人去推,奇石微动,三人去推,依然如故。If one person to push, Qishi fretting , three to go up, remain the same.

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永远不要问,善变的世界明天是否依然如故。Never ask me whether the changeable world will still be what it is tomorrow.

甚至在她逝去后,影响历久弥坚,十亿个掌声依然如故。Even after her death, the effect remained and became even firmer as time goes by.

为了生存,每天开始新的战争,在这犹如战场的世界各个角落里,万事万物依然如故地变化着。Everything has been changing in this world where you fight a new war everyday to survive.

突然,过去的3个赛季好像在一眨眼间离他而去,而许许多多的东西还依然如故。Suddenly, the past three seasons seemed to have slipped by in a wink, with so much unchanged.

古埃及人和罗马人用黑色表示哀悼,现在大多数欧洲人和美国人依然如故。The ancient Egyptians and Romans used black for mourning, as do most Europeans and Americans today.

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同样,禽类对疫苗学的发展也起着关键的作用,直到今天,依然如故。Birds have also played a crucial role in the development of vaccinology, and they still do to this day.

那结结巴巴的粗鲁汉子不见了,尽管那不称身的衣服、伤痕累累的手和晒黑了的面孔依然如故。The raw, stumbling lout was gone. The Ill. fitting clothes, battered hands, and sunburned face remained.

显然,他把所有物种统一到一个共同祖先的成就激怒了数以百万计的人,现在依然如故。Clearly, his achievement of uniting all species under a common ancestor outraged millions, and still does.

在极大程度上,你还是依然如故,只不过多了智慧和更加的自信。For the most part, you still feel exactly the way you feel right now, just a little wiser and more confident.

那里有的只是冷漠与暗算,而亲情却依然如故的等待你的回归。Where there is only indifference and Because, while it remains the same affection for you Wait for the return.

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这些阿波罗时代的遗产在提醒人们,虽然宇航局有许多东西千变万化,但有些东西却依然如故。These relics from Apollo are a reminder that while many things have changed at the agency, some haven’t had to.

那景色依然如故,几乎还是迪安的祖父西奥多-博杜1881年定居威尔伯县时的样子。The landscape remains almost as it was when Theodore Bodeau, Dean's grandfather, 'homesteaded in Wilbur in 1881.

如果你希望明年这些冬季服装依然如故的话,你必须依照下列的方法储存冬季衣服。If you want to keep winter clothes in top form for next year, you must abide by the laws of seasonal clothing storage.