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我追求过她,但没有赢取她。I wooed her and I failed to win her.

我来这里就是为了成功和赢取奖杯。I am here for success and to win trophies.

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我要去亚特兰大。我要赢取一套小餐桌。I'm going to A. C. , And I'm winning a dinette set.

芝加哥小熊队自一场失利后重整旗鼓要赢取这场棒球比赛。Chicago Cubs came back from a deficit to win the ballgame.

没有天分的运动队伍常常用不当手法来赢取比赛。Untalented sports team often resort to dirty tricks to win.

享受美味比利时啤酒的同时赢取一辆时代滑板车。Win a Stella scooter while enjoying a delicious Belgium Beer.

赢取周末豪华客房壹晚并含双早!Win one night weekend stay at Deluxe Room with breakfast for two!

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住宿赢取的钞票、优胜者证明和证明。Winning cheque, Winners Certificate and Certificate Of Lodgement.

但要鼓舞他人,你并不一定非要救死扶伤或赢取奖牌。But to be inspirational you don't have to save lives or win medals.

这一举动帮助盎格鲁撒克逊国王在抵抗丹麦人的战争中重新赢取了伦敦。This helped regain London for the Anglo-Saxon king against the Danes.

我们将通过成为全球最适宜开展商业活动的国家而赢取未来。We’ll win the future by being the best place on Earth to do business.

我前来赢取胜利并且和穆里尼奥在一起已经证明了他总是会赢的。I came here to win and the proof with Mourinho is that he always wins.

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强烈的信仰会赢取坚强的人,然后又使他们更坚强。——华特·贝基霍。Strong faith will win it takes a strong man, and then make them stronger.

赢取的说明在将使不朽说明优胜者新的页!Winning Captions will be immortalized in the NEW page of Caption Winners!

还有剩下六场联赛还有到达在决赛赢取冠军。There were six games left to arrive at the final and seven to win the cup.

强烈的信仰会赢取坚强的人,然后又使他们更坚强。-华特·贝基霍。Would win a strong belief in a strong person, and then make them stronger.

有的胜利要靠刀剑和长矛赢取,有的胜利则要靠纸笔和乌鸦。——泰温。Some battles are won with swords and spears, others with quills and ravens. ?

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“我知道丹海恩斯不打算赢取竞选,”一位伊利诺伊州民主党人说。"I knew Dan Hynes was not going to win that race, " an Illinois Democrat said.

相比之下英国,他们以10枚位列第九,还比悉尼奥运会少赢取了两枚。As for Great Britain, they were 10th with nine, two less than they won in Sydney.

中国正在尝试做的就是扩大他们能赢取奖牌的运动项目。What China is trying to do is broaden the base of sports in which it wins medals.