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又名吕祖庙。Also Minglv Zu Temple.

佛山的祖庙,你或许可以去看一看。Maybe you can have a look at Zu Temple in Foshan.

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继续前行不久,我们便来到祖庙村了。Going forward not too long, we arrived Zu Miao Village.

看,这里还有祖庙节日期间上演莆仙戏的戏台。Look, this is a stage for Puxian play on the occasion of festivals.

作为祖庙,每天来此朝拜妈祖的香客非常多。As the ancestral temple, every day a quantity of believers come there.

我也看到被深山密林环绕著的祖庙和古代的演技场。I also saw ancient temples and arenas surrounded by mountains and woods.

而广东省佛山的祖庙,内供着真武帝君,对东南亚一带都产生着影响。Zu Temple in Foshan, Guangdong Province, has a wide influence on the religion in Southeast Asia.

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那么祖庙香火,冠于寰宇,为什么妈祖却还保持着原来的肤色呢?However, why burning incense in the ancestral temple is even more, but skin of Macau stays the same?

牌坊与广场相连,坊前平台为祖庙大型祭典之祭坛。The torii is connected with the square and the platform in front of it is an altar for large scale fiesta.

崇善寺既是佛教寺庙,又是皇家祖庙,因此,它享受着比一般寺庙更多的香火。Chong Shansi is both a Buddhist temple and a royal ancestral temple , so enjoy it more than the average temple incense.

文献记载,明宣德四年,祖庙一带有许多铸铁作坊,诸炉并冶,火光冲天。Literature, Ming Xuande four years, a temple with a number of cast iron workshop, Zhu furnace and smelting, fires raging.

祖庙山门呈皇城阙状,这是因为妈祖被民间尊为天上圣母,是至高无上的女神。That of the Mazu Temple is an imperial watchtower, because Mazu is respected in folk as Saint Mother, the supreme goddess.

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祖庙在建筑艺术上具有浓厚的中国传统的建筑风格和广东地方特色。Covering a floor space of over 3000 square meter, the temple is built in the style of the Chinese traditional architecture.

今年5月1日,湄洲妈祖祖庙董事会又赠送给金门县一尊妈祖巨型石雕神像。In May 1st this year the board of directors of Meizhou Mazu temple and presented to the Kinmen County a giant statue of mazu.

由此可见,祖先崇拜是先于一切日常生活的首要事情,祖庙及祭器高于一切其他日用器物。It can be seen that ancestor worship is the first priority in all matters of daily life, above all else Sacrificial Temple and other daily-use items.

这是因为,每逢节庆日,祖庙的妈祖都由一位福寿双全的老妇人为她梳洗打扮,所以,祖庙的妈祖还是保持着原来的肤色。It's because that an old woman of both fortune and longevity cleans Macau in the ancestral temple. It's the reason why Macau can keep her original skin.

不久,湄洲妈祖祖庙首届董事会成立,林文豪先生、林聪治女士任董事长,大规模的祖庙重修工程拉开了帷幕。Lin Wenhao and Ms Lin Congzhi took the post of chairman of the board of directors. Since then, the large-scale rebuilding project of Mazu Temple started.

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然而在所有奖项里面,他最看重的还是对祖庙路在内佛山18条街道的改造设计。During this period he won a great number of awards, among which that from the renovation design of 18 streets, including Zumiao Street, of Foshan he valued the most.

淮阳人祖庙及庙会是中原汉民族地区兄妹婚神话传播的一个重要中心点。Renzu Temple and its festival in Huaiyang County form an important transmitting center of the brother-sister-marriage myth among the Han people in the Central Plains of China.