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必须趴下,迅速出去。Drop down low and get out fast.

那个乱穿马路的人被卡车撞趴下了。The jaywalker was run down by a truck.

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大家都趴下,炮弹飞过来了。Everybody face down, there are bombs coming over!

因为他今天下午嘲笑我。我要把他打趴下。Because he teased me this afternoon.I have to beat him.

“趴下,趴下,”反穆巴拉克人群中高呼他。"Get down, get down, " the anti-Mubarak crowd chanted at him.

“安静,”在里兹卡诺身边的伊萨突然嘘了一声,“趴下!"Quiet! "Isaza hissed suddenly at Lizcano's side. "Keep it down!

“趴下来,”我听到母亲发抖的声音,“不要动!”"Stay down, " I hear my mother's trembling voice, "Don't move! "

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嘿,臭小子,我们又见面了,我一定会打得你趴下的!Hey, brats, we have met, and I will play you get on the ground in!

没问题,但是别喝太多了,不然乔治会喝趴下的。OK, but don't drink too much or George will end up under the table.

所有人趴下,不要有人跟着我们否则我会杀了自己接下来就是她。Everybody get down, no one follows us or I'll kill myself and then her.

下次当我参加什么考试的时候,我再也不会吓趴下了。Next time when I have to take exams again, I will be not be freaked out.

大家趴下!别跟着我们否则我先自杀再杀了她!Everybody get down. No one follows us or I will kill myself and then her.

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如果你上山的时候没有累趴下,那你就能在下山的时候把时间追回来。If you're not cooked from the climb, you can make up time on the descent.

他趴下时是个脆弱的少年,站起来将成为一名矢志不移的坚强斗士。He had fallen on the earth a weak boy, but he rose up a resolute champion.

然后再趴下,胸前石子儿的硬度更胜从前。Then I lay down again, feeling the cobbles harder than ever against my chest.

“趴下,你这下贱东西!”道德原则吼道,声如洪钟,正义凌然。“我要踩着你过去。”"Down, you base thing!" thundered the Moral Principle, "and let me pass over you!"

当时彼得大帝直接租了一栋民宅,几乎一趴下就睡着了Instead he just went and rented a private house and fell asleep almost immediately.

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“趴下,你这下贱东西!”道德原则吼道,声如洪钟,正义凌然。“我要踩着你过去。”"Down, you base thing! " thundered the Moral Principle, "and let me pass over you! "

我把子弹悉数压进弹仓,在路面上找地方趴下,以便能瞄准一些。I shoved the cartridges into the magazine and lay down on the road to get a better aim.

当我真喝趴下的时候,他哈哈大笑,一种轻视的笑,还惊讶地大声说我这算是哪门子美国人。He laughed when I did a disparaging laugh wondering aloud at what kind of American I was.