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做人要低调如水,以柔克刚。One should be low key like water, use soft to conquer hard.

但是儒家思想因其推崇以柔克刚的权力手段得以复兴。But Confucianism revived, with its softer approach to power.

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很多时候,以柔克刚的方法更有利于解决问题。In most times, the method of using soft to overcome hard is of advantage in solving problems.

它具有一种以柔克刚,化敌为友的韧性,它是长寿的象征,是月亮的精灵。It has a with softness, an adversary toughness, it is a symbol of long life and is the moon elves.

师爱能满足学生趋爱心理,能以柔克刚。Teachers' love can satisfy the students' psychology of being loved and soften their strong character.

历史上,中国往往同化侵略者,化解进攻,以柔克刚。Historically, China has assimilated aggression, rolling with punches, overcoming hardness with softness.

该工程从以柔克刚的思路,采用废旧硬轮胎做为抗磨材料,取得了较好的效果。The better effects are obtained with the waste hard tyre as the abrasion resistance material in the project.

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会议的结果聚焦于“软性基础建设”上,通过提高自然界自身系统免疫力来缓和甚至吸收暴风雨的冲击,以柔克刚。The results were focused on “soft infrastructure” — elements that cushion and absorb storm surges by enhancing or emulating natural systems.

但是儒家思想因其推崇以柔克刚的权力手段得以复兴。But Confucianism revived, with its softer approach to power. Bell says that like the first emperor, the early communists struggled to consolidate their power.

不过无需烦忧,此时饱含温暖宽慰的金星也出现在同一区域,给你带来和谐,尤其是如果你以柔克刚的话会更好。There is no reason to worry, however, for at the same time, Venus' warm and soothing presence in the same part of your chart can bring accord, especially if you use charm rather than force.