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我必须买一节新的干电池了。I have to buy a new dry cell.

它有自己的干电池充电器。It has its own battery charger.

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哪些是靠干电池运作的?Which of these work on dry cells?

干电池式救生圈自亮浮灯。Self-igniting light dry battery type.

在一节干电池上接上一段细铁丝。Connected a piece of thin wire to a dry cell.

有点遗憾的是,现在我MP3的干电池没电了。It is a little pity that the dry battery of my MP3 is dead now.

我们经常靠干电池产生的电来做实验。为什么?We usually use electricity from dry cells to do experiments. Why?

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现在以细钢绒线代替细铁丝,用6节干电池重做实验。Now use six dry cells and replace the iron wire by thin steel wool.

本文是关于废干电池处理过程中汞的行为研究。The action of mercury in treating waste dry battery was investigated.

详细论述了一种综合利用干电池废芯的方法。A method of comprehensive utilization of waste dry battery was proposed.

本发明适用于锌锰塑料壳干电池。The invention is applicable to the zinc-manganese plastic-shell dry battery.

1995年比亚迪建立之初首要从事干电池出产,2005年起头打造通例型汽车。BYD started out as a battery maker in 1995, and began making conventional cars in 2005.

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平均而言,每个人在美国放弃每年8干电池。On average, each person in the United States discards eight dry-cell batteries per year.

在干电池中用膨胀石墨代替乙炔黑作为电芯材料。The expansion graphite replaced acetylene black as electrical core material in dry battery.

随身携带用干电池供电的收音机,以获取最新的救援消息和新闻报道。Keep a battery-powered radio with you so you can listen for emergency updates and news reports.

随身携带用干电池供电的收音机,以获取最新的救援消息和新闻报道。Keep a battery-powered radio with you so you can listen for emergency updates and news reports.

应用比耳定律,对干电池锌筒中铋的测定进行了探讨。The determination of bismuth in the zinc can of primary battery was studied based on the Beer's Law.

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该方法可降低废旧干电池的综合回收成本,且具有良好的操作性。This method can reduce the comprehensive recovery cost of used dry cells so that it's a feasible way.

用于干电池的阴极活性材料合成物,制备这种合成物的方法,以及碱性电池。Cathodic active material composition for dry cells, method for preparing the same, and alkaline battery.

介绍了一种选择电池封口剂的方法,这种方法可用于锌锰干电池封口剂的选择。The way of selecting sealing materials for batteries is introduced and it is employed in zinc-carbon cells.