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牛市将重现,切记!Bull market will re-apear.

胜景重现,何人筑建Who built the city up each time?

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看他们怎样重现大话西游剧场版。See how they reproduce we theatre.

然后看bug会不会重现。And see if I can't get it to show up.

这是一种可以使地球重现活力的方法。This is a way to reanimate the world.

如何不开花植物重现?。How Do Non-Flowering Plants Reproduce?

诗人只是照原样重现现实。They imitate things as they should be.

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我们在重现历史的本来面目。We are restoring history's original face.

录音机可使这交响曲重现。The tape recorder reproduced the symphony.

补充水份重现肌肤柔软肤质。Replenishes moisture to restore suppleness.

旧时重现的现场,高棉妇女在做饭。In a reenactment scene, Khmer women cooking.

再次仰起微笑,重现生活。Looked up and smile again, to reproduce life.

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生怕你以为他永远不会重现Lest you should think he never could recapture

总统的回忆录重现了一个过去的时代。The president's memoir disinterred a past era.

但是它的内容却在Facebook上逐字重现。But the content reappears verbatim on Facebook.

整个机体都将会重现年轻活力。Here re-youthing can occur throughout the body.

他的研究重现外的身体体验。His research recreates out-of-body experiences.

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在战役重现中参与者们假装阵亡。Participants play dead during the re-enactment.

一个西方世界的标语在东方重现。A western world manifesto reimagined in the east.

我们相信,这样的情况在互联网业会一再重现。We believe such flare-ups are likely to re-occur.