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我们想把他们拼凑在一起。We want to put pieces together.

哈拉比勉强拼凑了一场庆祝会。Halaby hoked up a special ceremony.

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他最近的一本书是东剪剪西抄抄拼凑而成的。This book is just a scissors-and-paste job.

他用一些旧笔记拼凑成几篇演讲稿。He vamped up some lectures out of old notes.

他最近的一本书是东剪剪西抄抄拼凑而成的。His latest book is a scissors-and-paste job.

那些野营者为自己拼凑起了一个帐篷。The campers knocked up a hut for themselves.

她用半小时胡乱拼凑了一篇文章。She cobbled together an essay in half an hour.

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政府勉强拼凑出了这个保证。The government scrambled to give that assurance.

他们用旧的厚纸板拼凑了一个帐篷。They rigged up a tent with old cardboard pieces.

她用布头拼凑成一件衣服。She confected a dress from odds and ends of fabric.

我用旧木板拼拼凑凑做了些书架。I knocked some bookshelves together from old planks.

可能性较大的是出现一种拼凑式的社会局面。The alternative20 is a pick-and-mix social landscape.

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这套程序表是由旧的程序表副本拼凑起来的。This program was consed up from some old subroutines.

她用吃剩的食物拼凑成一顿晚饭。She made supper from leftovers she had thrown together.

他们和一个由其他反叛者草草拼凑成的同盟联起手来。They joined with a ramshackle alliance of other rebels.

这是一个便捷途径拼凑你软塑料。It is a quick and easy way to rig up your soft plastics.

这些字体拼凑在一齐可以印刷一版面。The letters were fixed together to make a page of print.

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我们为孩子们临时拼凑着搭了一个简陋的栖身之处。We rigged up a simple and crude shelter for the children.

在翠珊的住处,迈可把设计图拼凑了起来。At Trishanne's place, Michael puts together the blueprint.

这是一部很差的话剧,它是由乱七八糟的垃圾拼凑起来的。It's a bad play, it's only hoked up with a mess of wastes.