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这是支付一半货款的收据。Here's the receipt for half payment on goods.

我们期望第挨次订货请求预付货款。We expect payment in advance on first orders.

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这种方法比信汇快,卖方可以提早收到货款。The seller can receive the money at an early date.

购买方在货物销售后支付货款给银行!The buyer then sells the goods and repays the bank.

所有货款需在下单的两天后付款。All orders must be paid in 2days after order placed.

不出十天,她就赊购了一千两百元的货款。In ten days she ran up a twelve-hundred-dollar bill.

商家应遵守的经营规则之一是每笔生意要做到货款两讫。Businessmen is that Both sides should Be clear for each deal.

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缴纳合同保证金、加盟金及首期货款。Pay the deposit contract, the franchise fee and initial payment.

这样,HVT公司不仅交付了货物,而且对货物失去了控制,但却没有得到货款。HVT delivered and lost control of the goods but did not get paid.

您按排的货款我们已经收到了。We have received the payment under your arrangment for the goods.

追踪你的逾期未付的款项,积极的追回这些货款。Tracking your past-due accounts and actively pursuing collections.

我们坚持预付货款,不能接受货到付款。We insist on payment in advance, we can’t accept payment after arrival goods.

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这样,你可以在一个月以后再支付货款,不收任何额外的费用。In this way, you can pay for purchases a month later, without any extra charge.

当然,抚顺在没有拿到全部货款的时候,仍然对货物拥有所有权。Ofcourse Fushun will remain title of the goods until payment has been completed.

我们最好的供货商把货物海运给我们,我们则在提单后60天汇出货款。Our best suppliers ship goods to us, and we wire the funds 60 days from BOL date.

请将货款电汇到我们在香港银行的账户里。Please remit the payment by telegraphic transfer to our bank account in Hong Kong.

现金支付折扣,仅限于在10日内以现金付清货款者可打折扣。Cash discounts are allowed only on accounts that are paid within the ten-day limit.

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因此,就会出现相关香港企业拖欠货款或倒闭的情况。Therefore , The Hong Kong-related enterprises will be paid in arrears or close down.

钱菲收到货款后,再通过邮局将药品邮寄给林利。After Qian Fei received money, he posted the medicines to Lin Li through post office.

你方的按季提交销售清单支付货款的建议,我方非常满意。Your suggestion to render accounts and make payments quarterly is quite satisfactory.