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各校今天开学。Schools open today.

好像是开学第二周。Like second week or something.

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开学的时间不同。They start at different times.

开学典礼是哪天?When was the opening ceremony?

新学期将于九月份开学。The new term will begin in september.

周一,17日,开学第一天。Monday, 17th. The First Day of School.

学校开学了,我的假悚。My vacation ended when school started.

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开学第一天,你准备好了吗?Are you ready for the first day in BGL?

在中国,学校于9月1日开学。Schools begin on September1st in China.

七月初即开学,尽快报名!Register soon! Class begins in early July!

今天是本学期正式开学的第一天。This semester has started,officially today.

学员们和到场嘉宾在开学典礼上合影。Students and guests at the opening ceremony.

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我们都因为开学第一天而兴奋不已。We were excited for the first day of school.

新学院预计在二0一三年开学。The new colleges are expected to open in 2013.

星期一刚刚开学,又见返班同学啦!The school choir went out to a copetition today.

开学第一天把座位排好。N. 1. Assigns seating on the first day of school.

现在是全国所有的孩子们开学返校的日子。For kids around the country it’s back-to-school time.

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开学第一天会有随堂作业和课外作业吗?Will there be classwork and homework on the first day?

开学的第一天是我最感到害怕的。The first day of school was almost everything I feared.

在开学第一个星期确立对班级良好的掌控。A. 1. Establishes good control the first week of school.