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自从我前次来这里已经有很长期了。It has been a long time since last came here.

会上署名通过前次会议记录。Minutes of last meeting were approved and signed.

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里面还装有一份前次会议的备忘录副本。Along with a copy of the minutes of the last meeting.

将本次呼吸与呼吸音与前次检查结果相对照。Compare respirations and breath sounds with previous findings.

其中30所欧洲的大学榜上有名,超过了前次调查的36所。There are 39 European universities in the top 100, up from 36.

复查前次手术的病理样本并与此次相比较将很有帮助。Reviewing and comparing with the previous specimen will be helpful.

前次妊娠的黄体很快开始退化。The corpus luteum of the previous pregnancy regresses very rapidly.

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本人们筹办谈一谈前次会上会商的问题。We are going to talk about the problem discussed at the last meeting.

在第一次喷涂完成后,待前次喷后约15分钟后再行喷涂。Spray again 15 minutes after last spraying, until the thickness above 1.5mm.

而前次是政治让人们头脑发热,这次是经济利益。Last time, it was a political fever, while this time, it is for economic benefits.

末了看看我作的文章,这是我们前次的功课我趁便把它弄到这里的。好吧就先介绍这些吧,拜拜。Finally, I look at the article as it is our last operation I might as well get it here.

前次埃亚菲亚德拉火山爆发于1821年,一直连续到1823年1月才竣事。Eyjafjallajökull last erupted in December 1821, with the event lasting until January 1823.

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结论经产妇的产程明显比初产妇短,但随着本次分娩距前次分娩时间的延长,产程也逐渐延长。Conclusion The time of stages of labor of multipara is shorter obviously than that of primipara.

前次自己跟黉舍说地时分,他们没找到可以同时承受你们两小我地家庭。The last time I spoke with the school, they did not have a family available that could take both of you.

我前次从电脑里翻开一看,李宇春一张海报老时兴饿,小姑娘老阳光饿!The last time I open one from the computer, Li Yuchun poster old fashion hungry, hungry girl sunshine old!

而此时,红果却由于前次为季洁借的衣服破了个洞而被要求补偿。And right now, but because they JiJie hybrid for borrow clothes broke a hole and were asked to compensation.

他慢吞吞的走上前去,想要把前次散步时看见的一个空鸟窝重新找出来。He plodded peacefully on, seeking to rediscover an old abandoned nest that he had observed on a former walk.

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如我前次所说,假如您能给我机会证明我的面试后的感谢信范文能力,我会非常感激。Bs I said last time, I would really appreciate it very much if you can give me a chance to prove my abilities.

一种子例程,它在执行一次后再次调用时,在前次执行的返回点重新开始。A subroutine which, when called again after an execution, resumes at the return point of its previous execution.

主要看客人是否同前次操作棉料组那样会补给我们海运和空运之间的差价!And will see with the buyer if they can return the different between the SEA and AIR or not ! Like Cotton group.