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这样的桁架称为简单桁架。Such trusses are called simple trusses.

现在咱们把它和底下的桁架作一比较。Now let's compare it with the truss below.

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开网桁架是极好的负载较轻的地方。The open network truss excellent load lighter.

桁架在修建屋顶和桥梁时被广泛应用。Trusses have been extensively in roofing and Bridges.

轻钢龙骨体系就是由这样的平面桁架梁组成的结构体系。Integra Web Steel is composed of the plane truss beam.

三杆桁架的例子被用来证明这些结论的正确性。Also the well-known three-bar truss example is investigated.

主楼和裙房间采用大跨鱼腹桁架,桁架下弦采用高强度预应力钢棒。The bottom chord of the truss is used by pre-stress steel bar.

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所以,目前对桁架式SRC构件的研究很少。As a result, the researches on Truss Type SRC members is fewer.

抗剪桁架模型混凝土斜压杆的应力计算。Calculation of stress in diagonal struts of truss model for shear.

上海市老新闸桥为钢桁架桥,桥长64。The old Xinzha Bridge in Shanghai City is a steel truss bridge, 64.

提出了巨型框架-次框桁架结构体系。In the article a new mega-frame-sub-truss-frame system is developed.

桁架表明在检查时没有重大缺陷或损坏。Trusses showed no major defects or damage at the time of inspection.

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索桁架正常工作需要在索中保留一定的拉应力。A certain obligated stress must be kept in cable while normal working.

同时,介绍了预应力叠层桁架的设计原则。Besides, the design principle of prestressed laminated truss are proposed.

参数优化分析是张弦桁架结构设计中的关键问题。The optimization of parameters is a key point during the designing of TSS.

本文首先对错列钢木混合桁架进行设计研究。The thesis first makes a study on the design of staggered steel-timber truss.

本文主旨在探讨三维桁架受风载重风力系数之分析。This thesis studied the force coefficient of 3-D latticed under wind loading.

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通过分析,能对钢板仓输料桁架的结构设计提供有益的参考。The analyzed results are very helpful for the conveying material frame design.

带有钢桁架结构罩棚的体育场斜看台是一种比较典型的体育场结构。The steep stadium with awning of steel truss structure is a typical structure.

悬臂桥使得桥梁建筑师能够修比桁架跨度更大的桥梁。Cantilevers enabled bridge builders to span longer distances than truss bridges.