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艾丽丝很容易地把这道数学难题解出来了。Alice worked out the difficult maths problem easily.

还用切向系数更正了一道题解。The solution of a problem is corrected by the tangential coefficient.

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如果这个论文题解是罗斯福和相对立的里根的政策,那么他们的结合就是实用主义。If the thesis was Roosevelt and the antithesis Reagan, the synthesis is pragmatism.

可是心里还有许多的谜题解不开我也不知道应该如何继续了…I really do not know how to speak good. can i continue? i don't know how can do the best.

他们很吃惊一个孩子能把这个题解出来而他们却不能。They were surprised that a child should work out the problem, while they themselves couldn't.

我记得昨天夜里做梦时这道题解对了,但现在一时想不起了。I remember solving the problem in my dream last night, but for the time being I've forgotten it.

每篇题解,重在对雅乐歌辞的本意进行挖掘和概括。The focus of the interpretation of titles will be laid on the excavation and summary of the lyrics.

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论文由题目、目录、导论、题解、正文、结语、参考文献等七个部分组成。The thesis comprises title, index, introduction, explanation of subject, main body, conclusion and references.

但作为教材,其“题解”、“注释”、“简析”仍有一些可议之处。But as a teaching material, there are some arguments to be concerned, for example, its notes comments and analysis.

潜艇作战系统中,系统软件提供了外围设备控制和算题解算等功能,是作战系统的核心部分。The system software is the core part in the submarine combat system, which provide the control of peripheral equipments and formula calculation.

本文用特征线方法在有界域上给出了上述反问题解的存在唯一性。We used the method of characteristic curves in the bounded domain to get the existence and uniqueness of the solution for the above inverse problem.

第一部分是题解,这一部分简单地介绍了题目中各个要素的含义,同时也涉及到了对于法律的经济分析的认识问题。The first part is the explanation of the title. This part briefly introduced each factor in the paper"s title and the understandings of Economic Analysis of Law."