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秦坤爱女心切,不许麦子再去找刀锋。QinKun baby swiftly, forbid to wheat seek blade.

也许她只是抱孙心切吧。Maybe she is just eager to see her grandchildren.

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也许她只是抱孙心切吧。Maybe she is just eager to see her grands children.

他们的肢体语言显示出他们求战心切。Their body language shows a willingness to fight on.

神啊,我的心切慕你,如鹿切慕溪水。As the deer pants for the water, so my soul long after you.

他们有一支训练有素,求战心切的部队。They have well-trained troops, who are spoiling for a fight.

但林平之报仇心切,却被余沧海擒住。But LinPingZhi revenge eager, but more than the sea escape live.

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将胡瓜洗净,去皮去心切成裂片。Wash the cucumber, peeled and cut into thin slices to the heart.

神啊,我的心切慕祢,如鹿切慕溪水。As the deer patheth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee.

这对爱子心切的父母更是为了女儿更好的发展,举家搬迁到洛杉矶。The loving parents did so and moved to LA for her better development.

第三,由于增长扩张心切,阿里巴巴的盈利能力并不容乐观。Third, in its rush to grow, Alibaba has neglected to make much profit.

我愤怒,略带沮丧,但我更求胜心切。我强烈地期望扭转乾坤。I am angry, a little sad and willing fiercely to revert this situation.

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我知道他在这过得很愉快并且求战心切,但这就是足球。I know he is happy here and that he wants to play. But that is football.

他求胜心切,但这并不能反抗得住对手的健壮与技艺。His eagerness will not avail against the fitness and skill of his opponent.

队友和我一样求胜心切,他们知道现在是什么时刻…"They're as competitive as I am, " Bryant said. "They know what time it is. "

如果你不小心切到自己或者有水泡,就可以用一个创可贴。If you cut yourself, or if you have a blister, you might put a band-aid over it.

你的双脚被我心切望的热光染得绯红,我的落日之歌的搜集者!Your feet are rosy-red with the glow of my heart's desire, Gleaner of my sunset songs!

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如果我们不能在训练里求胜心切,那又怎么希望我们在赛场生表现得求胜心切?If you’re not competitive in training, how do you expect to be competitive on the pitch?

不料就在此时又发生意外,报仇心切的纳若莽撞行动,结果被小岛次郎擒获。But just then and accident, eager for revenge if rash action, kojiro was island captured.

在孝和玉华爱女心切,决议把上好的补药全部留给老实吃。YuHua swiftly in filial piety and the baby, all the best resolution for honest eat tonic.