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一般来说,对于现代引擎,低转速比高转速效率更高。In general, the efficiency of modern engines is better at lower rather than at high revs.

阻尼系数越小,发生周期解分叉的转速比越小。Smaller damping coefficient will make the rotating speed for periodic bifurcation smaller.

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当转速比为无理数时,研磨轨迹的分布较致密。When this rotating speed ratio is an irrational number, the distribution of grinding track becomes finer.

系统响应随著转速比的变化引发了各种非线性现象。Different nonlinear phenomena can be observed in system's response with the changing of rotating speed ratio.

考察了不同转速比条件下,该搅拌桨产生的宏观流动场和湍动能分布。The velocity fields and turbulent kinetic energy stirred by the combined inner-outer agitator with different rotating speed ratios were analyzed.

仿真结果表明,电机转速比是影响交交变频轧机系统网侧基波功率因数与电流总畸变率的关键原因。The simulation results show that the speed ratio of the motor mostly affects the total harmonic distortion of the current and the displacement power factor.

并在1933年首次提出解释星系外环在星团轨道上的转速比基于星系可见物质而得出的理论转速要高的概念。The concept was first proposed in 1933 to explain why the outer galaxies in galaxy clusters orbit faster than they should, based on the galaxies' visible mass.

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对磨削的均匀性给予分析,得出了砂轮与工件的转向和转速比是影响磨削均匀性的主要因素的结论。The homogeneity of grinding process was analyzed, the steering and speed ratio of the wheel and work piece are the main factor influencing grinding homogeneity.

研究了偏心率和转速比对去除效率的影响,与此同时研究了抛光模材料、抛光模胶层厚度、抛光模直径以及几何形状与去除效率的关系。At the same time the effect of eccentricity ratio, speed ratio and the material, thickness of sub, geometry shape of polished die on removing efficiency are studied.

绘制出浮环轴承压力、转速比随间隙比等参数变化的曲线图,为浮环轴承的设计提供理论依据。The pressure and speed ratio varying with the parameters, such as clearance ratio, is plotted, providing theoretical foundation for the design of float ring bearings.

全新的动力装置以齿轮传动结构为特点,此结构允许前端风扇转速比中心部分慢3倍,优化了发动机各部分的速度。The all-new powerplant features a geared architecture allowing the front fan to spin three times slower than the core, thus optimising the speed of each section of the engine.