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你需要进行全日制课程的学习。You need to study a full-time degree.

找到一份全日制工作不容易。It's not easy to find a full-time job.

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工作一年以上开始全日制学习。Ful- time after a year or more of work.

在校全日制本科生近32000人。Time undergraduate nearly 32000 people.

全日制学习形式,学制三年。Full-time study form, system for three years.

我有份工作而且还是最重要的全日制学生呢。I had a job, on top of being a full-time student.

现有全日制在校生近万人。Existing full-time students in ten thousand people.

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只有全日制研究生才有资格获得助教薪金。Only full-time graduate are eligible for interships.

你现在上的是一所全日制的学校叫“生活”。You are enrolled in a full-time school called "life".

学校目前有全日制学生万余人。School currently has more than one full-time students.

这系统只提供服务给全职职员或全日制学生。Only full-time staffs & students can access the system.

本文本不适用非全日制用工使用。The contract is not suitable for non-full-time employment.

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应用外语系在校全日制学生1046人。AFLD bustles with an enrollment of 1046 full-time students.

苏希和她的丈夫都有一份报酬丰厚的全日制工作。Susie and her partner both work full-time in well-paid jobs.

这一学年,实行全日制授课计划的学校数量达到了150所。Thisschool year, the number of all-day programs shot to 150.

你会被一个名为生活的全日制非正式学校招为学生。You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called Life.

你入读了一所叫做“生活”的大学的全日制非正式学校。You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called Life.

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本课程是一年制全日制学习。So this MAPP program is a one calendar year, full-time study.

你会在一个非正式的全日制学校学习,这个学校名叫生活。You are enrolled1 in a full-time informal school called Life.

调查对象乃所有教院全日制本科课程的毕业生。Survey covered graduates of all full-time bachelor programmes.