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哈哈,还有一对乌头放到鸟笼里。Haha, there are a pair of aconitine into the cage.

白喉乌头为毛茛科多年生有毒植物。Aconitum ceucostomum is the perennial poisonous plant.

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舟形乌头和狼形乌头有什么不同?。What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?

有一对铁尺乌头颜色挺好的,整齐、干净。Color of a pair of Tiechi Aconitum nice, neat and clean.

目的研究剑川乌头中的二萜生物碱。Objective To study the alkaloids from Aconitum handelianum.

短距乌头根的生物碱成分。Constituents from the Roots of Aconitum Brevicalcaratum Diels.

几只铁尺乌头还是不错的,现在这东西就是少了。Aconitum few Tiechi is good, and now that something is missing.

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它们是同一种植物,也叫乌头。They are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite.

波特,那你说说舟形乌头和狼毒乌头有什么区别?What is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane?

而临床治疗上尚无特效解毒药治疗乌头碱中毒。But there is no effective medicine treat the aconitine poisoning.

几只乌头,有一只鼻子真大,感觉有半个脑袋大。Several Aconitum, there is a really big nose, big head felt half.

国产乌头属和翠雀属药用植物的资源。The medicinal plant resources of Chinese Aconitum and Delphinium.

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用酸性染料比色法测定制剂中乌头总生物碱。Total alkaloids of aconite was determined by acid dye colorimetry.

几只漂亮的“乌头”,细白眼皮,鸽主要500一对。A few beautiful, "Aconitum", small white eyes, pigeons major 500 a pair.

几对墨环和乌头,还有几只紫环。Several of the Mexican Central and aconite, there are a few purple ring.

目的鉴定乌头碱在家兔尿中主要代谢产物。AIM To identify the main metabolites of aconitine in the urine of rabbits.

乌头可以麻痹神经,通常服后30分钟后即可致命。Aconite, which paralyses the nerves, normally takes only 30 minutes to kill.

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短距乌头根的生物碱成分。The Alkaloidal Constituents from the Roots of Aconitum Brevicalcaratum Diels.

这周鸽市人很热闹,鸽子也不少,我还买了一只乌头。Pigeon City this week, people are busy, too many pigeons, I also bought a aconitine.

这里有只扫脸乌头挺好,是个母的,估计能出墨环。There are only very good sweep face Aconitum, is a female, to estimate the Mexican ring.