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中国小城市家电市场潜能巨大。Big opportunities seen in small cities.

本网站是用于家电产品的网上商城。This site is an online mall for home appliances.

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电风扇、洗衣机家电用交流电容器。AC film capacitor in elrctric fan and washer etc.

在购买像吸尘器一类的家电前,都要进行检测。With items like vacuums, test them before buying.

射出模具,汽车模具,家电模具。Injection molds, auto parts, household appliances.

厨房设备采用绿色家电等。The kitchen equipment with green home appliance, etc.

以旧换新到底应该怎么换,什么样的家电符合以旧换新标准呢?And how can one get a new appliance with his old ones?

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Morey也可以通过Twitter发送命令给他的家电。Morey can also send commands to his appliances via Twitter.

知名家具、家电、厨卫行业经验更加。Famous furniture or kitchen industry experience is preferred.

中国家电市场真的饱和了吗?。Is China Household Eletric Appliance Market Really Saturated?

这个独特设计是由克里顿·伯曼用网线或家电延长线做出来的。Unique lamp made by Craighton Berman out of an extension cord

一个金发女郎走进了家电销售店,并且找到了一件便宜货。A blonde went to the appliance store sale and found a bargain.

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不要在这家电附近存放任何易燃物品。Don't store any combustibles in the vicinity of this appliance.

如今的家电市场竞争已经是以渠道为核心的竞争。Now the core of the competition has transferred to the channel.

爱沙尼亚在林业经营管理、渔业方面有特长,而中国在轻工、家电等领域有自己的优势,这些都是很有潜力的合作领域。There are a lot of potentials of cooperation in all these fields.

该方法对家电类产品的绿色设计具有指导意义。The proposed method can be used for green design of home appliance.

美观耐用的家电用品,畅销于市。The attractive and durable household electrical appliances sell well.

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品牌家电全配,进口家具,环保无污染。Brand appliances all worthy, environmental pollution, import furniture.

和洗衣机一样位列"最贪婪"家电的就是电冰箱了。The greediest home device along with the washing machine is the fridge.

我国大型家电企业面临的形势不容乐观。The situation our large household electric enterprises face is pressing.