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食盐通常经由自然商道运销各地。Salt was usually shipped along natural trade routes.

因此,对洪江古商道文化遗产应进行有效的保护。It is necessary to protect its cultural heritage effectively.

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今日商道,群雄逐鹿,做不成狼,就只能成为狼食!Today, commercial, can't do the same benefit, Wolf, can only become wolves eat!

公司坚持“以诚为本,商道即人道”为企业的宗旨。Companies adhere to the "sincere friends, that humanitarian Road" for the purpose.

伴随这一贸易而开通的商道,也就被称为“茶马古道”。" With the opening of the trade and business that will be referred to as the "Tea-Horse Road.

赋庐诗以“天道酬勤,人道酬善,商道酬信”作为公司的经营宗旨。Fu Lu poem "Him, humanity good pay, pay suppliers said the letter" as the company's business objectives.

商道致力于成为客户首选的“管理解决方案的提供者”。Our mission is to be the preferred provider of solutions to management issues in all fields of business.

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细节决定成败,谋略致胜于商道、勤奋致胜于世道!Details determine success or failure, winning strategy in the commercial way, hard-working success in morals!

大庾岭在历史上不仅是一条繁华的商道和著名的文化之岭,而且还是一处秀丽的旅游胜境。In history, Dayu ridge is not only a flourishing commercial road and a famous mountain full of culture, but also a beautiful tourist resort.

我聘请了一个商道教练,每周与他见一次面,并且让两个十几岁的孩子一起参与这12个月的培训规划。When I hired a business coach, and met with him on a weekly basis, I invited both of my teenage children to participate in the twelve month program.

商道即人道,企业的基业长青来自于智慧的管理模式,来自于优秀人才的汇集,来自于人心的凝聚。The way of doing business reflects human moral standards. The intelligent management pattern based on the talents and the teamwork will keep us evergreen.

在过去,珍贵的南亚织物常被用来交换从东南亚古老商道上而来的珍稀香料、林产品和海产品。Precious textiles from south Asia were exchanged for rare spices, and other forest and sea products along the centuries-old trade routes of southeast Asia.

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明清长达数百年的时间里特别是清乾隆二十二年清政府限定广州一口通商时期,赣江———大庾岭商道成为沟通南北的交通枢纽。During the period of the Guangzhou's only port, the Ganjiang River-Dayuling Commerce Passage became a hub of communications between the north and the south.

以上,鲁青1号、商道1号等优新品种的推广为宁夏无籽西瓜产业快速发展提供强有力的技术支撑。Popularization of new varieties such as Luqing No. 1 and Shangdao No. 1 supply technical support for the rapid development of seedless watermelon industry in Ningxia.

我不禁想起在中东地区开展的宏伟工作,遥感航拍摄影技术被用于发掘考古遗址、古道和远古商道。I think of the great work in the Middle East, where sensing aerial photography has been able to unearth ancient archeological sites, ancient roads and ancient trading routes.

九江开埠后,确立了以鄱阳湖为载体,以九江为集散中心的扇形商道网,成为近代九江城市发展和社会变动的一个历史契机。Soon after Jiujiang city was opened up, it became a regional collecting and distributing center for native and foreign goods, which offered an opportunity for unban development.