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苹果也适宜晒干。They also dry well.

一个适宜居住的地方。A nice place to stay.

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你这样做是不适宜的。It ill befits you to do so.

他总是说些不适宜的话。He always makes inapt remarks.

这水不适宜饮用。The water is not fit to drink.

你的茶浓淡适宜吗?。Is your tea the right strength?

寒冷天气对她不适宜。Cold weather disagrees with her.

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这是一个十分适宜孩子参观的博物馆。It’s a very kid-friendly museum.

气候还是太冷而不适宜农耕。It is still too cold for farming.

适宜的烟囱烟雾排放解决方案Suitable Smokestack Smog Solution

请为我们做一些适宜的服务。Please do something proper for us.

丰南气候适宜,资源丰富。Fengnan climate and rich resources.

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高度近视适宜做较正吗?。Does high myopia do calibration aptly ?

适宜年岁大的抗衰老面霜。Great age appropriate anti-aging cream.

普洱茶适宜存放怎样的环境下呢?What kind of environment is preferable?

适宜搭配浓汁肉菜、羔羊肉、鸭肉及乳酪。Meat with gravy, lamb, duck, and cheese.

讨论了最佳氮磷钾配比及适宜范围。The optimum compound also was discussed.

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我打算在时机适宜的时候也买进易安信。I plan to add EMC when the time is right.

热食冷饮两适宜。It tastes good either served hot or cold.

适宜在春秋露地及保护地栽培。In autumn production and site cultivation.