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天井做了一个阳光房!Patio made a sun room!

民族歌手在卡玛聚外的天井倾情献唱。Ethnic singer singing in the yard outside Karma cafe.

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可以添加装饰,天井,栅栏,花园,车道以及更多布景。Add decks, patios, fences, gardens, driveways and more.

该建筑群包括天井、宫殿和花园。The complex is made up of courtyards, palaces and gardens.

主休息室与两个室外天井相连。Two outdoor courtyards can be accessed from the main foyer.

上层的窗户通向阳台,围墙围着一方有栏杆的天井。All around the walls was a terraced patio with a balustrade.

从他的窗口,可以望见那所房子的天井和街道。From his window the yard of the house and the street were visible.

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他们来到小天井,这里四周由古老的红墙环抱。They came to the little court, which was shut in by old red walls.

古窨子屋堂内有干天井和湿天井。Sub-cellar housing the ancient halls are dry and wet courtyard patio.

面向公园,三五成群一起野餐,或者在自家天井里,不亦乐乎呀。Head to the park for a picnic, eat on the patio at home or restaurants.

天井里的青石板是湿漉漉的,因为昨晚下了一阵雨。The granite pavement of the courtyard is wet because it rained last night.

她看到银蓝色的屋顶和一个天井的入口。She saw the silvery-blue roof of the House and the entrance to a courtyard beyond.

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搬完伞,老毕把客人带到他那座老地主留下的、有一个天井的院坝头。The job finished, Old Bi led the visitor to a courtyard left by a former landlord.

案桌摆大门口或天井里,桌脚上要垫两条长凳使案桌高地升高。Table in the swing gate or a patio, foot pad two benches that case table highland rise.

这时,正有一个孩子在天井里玩,看门婆婆的孩子,或是随便一个女工的孩子。There was a child playing in the yard--the child of the portress or of some work-woman.

一个囚犯站在窗栏后面,通过小窗洞悲伤地看着天井。A prisoner stares sadly into a courtyard from behind the bars of his cell's small window.

回望祖堂前的圆形天井,也同样是以花岗石板铺面。The circular courtyard, in front of the ancestral hall, is also paved with granite plate.

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进门便是墙门的内天井,同样又是两层砖木结构民房。The door is the inner wall of the courtyard, the same is a two-story brick and wood houses.

花园长椅,餐具,遮阳伞,沙滩椅,吊床,天井套,烧烤等。Garden benches, pots, umbrellas and beach chairs, hammocks, patio sets, barbecues and so on.

的确是这样。日落后天井就会关闭,如果天花板在晚上开启超过40秒。The atrium roof closes a sundown and if the louvers are up for more than 40 seconds at night.