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剩下的路都是下坡路。The rest of the way is downhill.

但不这样做的话,那将继续走在一条渐渐衰亡的下坡路上。But the alternative is to continue stumbling down a path of decline.

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不要借口恢复理智,而在下坡路上滑过了头。One must not push too far in descent under pretext of a return to reason.

我们人生之路不总是上坡路,我们有时要面临下坡路。Our path in life is not always the ascent , we sometimes have to face down.

我是说真的,一旦他们消除了窒息的危险,那就都是我要走的下坡路。I mean really, once they eliminated the choking hazard, it was all downhill for me.

你现在拖延,将来可就够你得“轻松”了,这就像是一个下坡路。The more you procrastinate, the easier it will be in future. It’s a slippery slope.

最后,研究了高速公路长大下坡路段和互通立交处的紧急交通组织方案。Finally, studied about emergency traffic organization schemes for long down-slope and interchange.

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作为四轮驱动汽车的一项功能,HDC可以辅助驾驶员通过一个陡峭的下坡路。A feature in all-wheel driver vehicles, HDC assists drivers when negotiating a steep downhill route.

通往毁灭的都是下坡路,一路上风光迤逦而且畅通无阻,而最终的道德沦丧是不可避免的。The path to perdition is enticing , slippery, and all downhill. Moral bankruptcy is the inevitable conclusion.

微软一反常道,决定力挽走在下坡路的市场份额,而且每一步行动都掷地有声。Microsoft reversed its course and decided to fight back against marketshare slippage, and it did it with force.

它可以是缺乏自信加重不称职和无竞争力感觉的一段下坡路。It can be part of a downward slide in which lack of confidence reinforces feelings of inadequacy and incompetence.

因此,从山东乘火车到北京,不只是12个小时的颠簸,也是社会阶层上的下坡路。Thus, the train ride from Shandong is not just a 12-hour inconvenience, but also a journey down the social ladder.

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一辆载满乘客的公共汽车沿着下坡路快速前进着,有一个人后面紧紧地追赶着这辆车子。An autobus full of passangers was driving speedily down the slope. Behind it a man running closely to catch up with it.

在纽约,道琼斯工业平均指数在下坡路上继续下滑,下跌122点,以10136点报收。In New York, the blue-chip Dow Jones Industrial Average slid lower on the downgrade, closing down 122 points to 10, 136.

下坡路走到一半,欧德在社区公共项目——公共厕所那里停下,这个项目的目的在于使排泄物的问题得以解决。Halfway down the slope, Oduor stopped at a community project designed to help end the sewerage problem – a public toilet.

一道峡谷横亘于我和人类文明之间,一条绵长的煤渣下坡路,路况艰险,还有一个农场,里面全是疯狂的鸸鹋。Between me and civilization was a valley, a long and harrowing drive down a dirt track and a farm filled with demented Emus.

如今,弗朗索瓦故技重施,再次使用一位或许已经处于下坡路的明星——珍妮弗•洛佩兹,希望籍此制造话题。Now Francois has used Jennifer Lopez, arguably another star somewhat past her prime, to create an extraordinary amount of buzz.

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但如果泛泛而论,伴随着巨大成功而来的规模扩张往往是下坡路的开始。But not speaking about Apple in particular, the scale that comes with that level of success is very often the beginning of a decline.

能在酷热中登上如此陡峭的山坡是一件很刺激的事情,加上我们还面对着同样长而陡的下坡路。It was thrilling to have managed such a steep climb in the heat – plus we now had an equally steep downhill stretch to look forward to.

车辆在这些超长连续下坡路段上行驶时常常出现重大交通事故,就其原因,路面抗滑力不足是其中一个重要原因。Vehicle in those long downhill often occurred big traffic accidents, on the reasons, inadequate anti-sliding surface is one important reason.