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他能得民心。He wins people's hearts.

他用苛捐杂税剥夺百姓,失尽民心。He pilled with grievous taxes and quite lost their hearts.

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这样的话,日本也许就能拥有顺民意得民心的政府。That way, Japan might actually get some decent government.

对诚如民盟一样盅获民心的政客而言,国家主义是一种强大的工具。Nationalism is a powerful tool for demagogues such as the PAD.

而男主角郭晋安上部作品形象太深入民心,这次恐难有演技上的大突破…She has captured some of the most enduring images of our time.

他的父亲乔治罗姆内是60年代密西根州一位颇得民心的州长。His father, George Romney, was a popular governor in the 1960s.

因此,如果我们诚实待人,我们将得民心。So, if we are honest with the people, we will reach their hearts.

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水无色无味,无形象可言。为什么屈臣氏特别深入民心?Being scentless and colourless, water has no product image at all.

这个环保工程是个“民心工程”。The environment-friendly project is a “popularity-winning” project.

但,真正的胜利,孩子——是鼓舞你的子民心中的斗志。But the truest victory, my son – is stirring the hearts of your people.

没准儿,只是老大哥觉得这个下属太得民心,除去为妙。Perhaps Big Brother was merely getting rid of a too-popular subordinate.

如何深入民意,顺意民心才可以长治久安。How in-depth public opinion, meaning people can shun long-term stability.

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该广告的影响力和大金品牌已深入民心!Influence of our commercial and Daikin brand penetrate with public deeply.

也正是他,在其历史性的胜选之后收获民心。And it was he who loomed largest in the public mind after his historic election.

路径工程成为群众交口赞誉的“民心工程”。Route the project becomes the masses Jiao Kou praise "popular feelings project".

中国内战的实质也就是争夺农民民心的战争。The essence of China's civil war became a struggle for the affections of the peasant.

而我们在阿富汗的平叛运动的真正着眼点是赢得民心。Our counterinsurgency campaign in Afghanistan is really focused on winning the people.

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汤建立商朝后,减轻征赋,鼓励生产,安抚民心。During his reign, Tang lightened taxes and encouraged production to appease the morale.

实际上,西方不仅还有机会拯救生命,而且还有机会赢得民心。Indeed, the West still has an opportunity not just to save lives but to win over minds.

向荣汽车租赁公司至今已经成为上海市民心中的理想租车公司。Xiang Rong car rental company has become the Shanghai people 's ideal car rental company.