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它就像牙根管一样普及。It was about as popular as a root canal.

爸爸需要做牙根管治疗。Dad needs to have a root canal operation.

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牙齿都是有根的,牙根深切到你的牙床里。They have roots that go deep into your gums.

迪沃,你只是做牙根管填充手术,对吗?。So, Devo, you just had a root canal, correct?

我知道牙根管填充手术是很疼的。I understand that's quite painful the root canal?

关闭磨牙间隙后牙槽骨改建及牙根吸收情况。Root resorption after the closure of molar space.

牙旋转中心位于三牙根分叉下方附近。The Center of rotation located in trifurcation area.

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牙根上覆盖着的坚硬材料叫作牙骨质。The root is covered with a hard material called cementum.

不,在这种情况下我不介绍你采用牙根管治疗法。No, I don't recommend endodontic treatment for this condition.

目的了解上颌前牙根管弯曲情况。Objective To investigate root canal curvature in maxillary anterior teeth.

目的探讨前牙根折至龈下铸造冠桩修复的体会。ObjectiveTo probe casting veneer peg prosthesis for anterior remnant root.

牙龈萎缩会造成牙齿敏感、牙根龋齿和美观上的问题。Gingival recession may lead to sensitivity, root caries and poor esthetics.

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一颗牙齿在工作,另一颗则闲着,它的牙根部得不到刺激。One tooth works while the other one idles and gets no stimulation in its root area.

全口曲面断层片未见齿槽骨及牙根吸收。No alveolar bone or tooth absorption were found in all subjects in X-ray examination.

牙尖型与牙根型的关系属间接联系。The relationship between the types of cusps and the types of roots was indirect contact.

每颗牙有一个在牙龈之上的牙冠和牙龈之下的一个或多个牙根,固定于颚中。Each consists of a crown above the gum and one or more roots below it, embedded in the jaw.

目的探讨下颌恒切牙根管弯曲情况。Objective To investigate the root canal curvature in Chinese mandibular permanent incisors.

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只有牙根外露或者有感染迹象的时候需要去让兽医提供治疗。Only if the root is exposed or signs of infection occur should medical treatment be seeked.

牙根吸收明显,且为锯齿状或截根状吸收。The roots of teeth are absorbed apparently, demonstrating serrated or amputated appearance.

目的观察上颌第二前磨牙的牙根及根管形态。Objective To investigate the root and canal morphology of extracted maxillary second premolars.