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鱼都会游水。All fish swim.

所以,所有的分数都会记入在内。So, all scores count.

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就连再旸都会祝福我。Even zaiyang wished me.

余生都会倍感快乐。For the rest of our lives.

并非一切的竹子都会长得很高。Not all bamboo grows tall.

如果以色列倒下,那我们全都会倒下。If Israel falls we all fall.

并非每种色光都会反射回来。Every color is not reflected.

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凡人都会犯过错。Tactuality is no man but errs.

有很多事物都会涣然一新。So much that's going to be new.

这是小学生都会的算术。That's grade-school arithmetic.

我儿子每晚都会尿床。My son wets his bed every night.

你在港都会期待什么?What do you expect from harbors?

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你每次旅行都会拿到一些纪念品?You get something every trip, hah?

艾莉莎每天下午都会小睡一下。Alissa takes a nap every afternoon.

据统计,大部分男人都会软下来。Statistically, most men would fail.

在我们家的所有女孩都会做菜.All the girls in my family can cook!

任何人对这般侮辱都会发怒的。Anyone would bridle at such insults.

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我每次看到虫子都会吓得发疯。I freaky out every time I see a bug.

每个人的一生都会逢上阴雨。In to each life some rain must fall.

所有的新闻机构都会出差错。All news organizations make mistakes.