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终于有一回东窗事发,我才大梦初醒。Then something happened and I woke up from the dream.

东窗事发,向南承担了所有的责任,被停职。Ally McBeal, bear all the responsibility to the south, has been suspended.

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前不久在河南开封“东窗事发”后,他一直潜逃,被当地警方上网追捕。Recently in henan kaifeng "sticky", he's been abscond, by local police Internet hunting.

还包括免费的电子邮件转寄,东窗事发,蒙面或旗帜,支持网址转发。Also included free email forwarding, unmasked, masked or banner supported URL forwarding.

如果你做出了不切实际的许诺,很可能事情会东窗事发。Situations could easily get blown out of proportion if you have made unreasonable promises.

2006年共和党丧失领导权时,拨款丑闻已经东窗事发了。When Republicans lost control of the House in 2006 elections, it was after earmarking scandals involving then-Rep.

随着西门子不太情愿地开始压制腐败行为,经理们不断采取异乎寻常的措施以避免东窗事发。As Siemens halfheartedly clamped down on corruption, managers took ever more eccentric steps to avoid getting caught.

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原因很简单,造假不但会导致专利作废,而且东窗事发后,苹果公司及其品牌都将面临巨大的损失。Doing so would not only invalidate the patent, it would expose the company and its brand to serious damage when revealed.

也许之前奥林巴斯聘用伍德福德是为了彰显其在公司运营方面国际化的努力,没想到却因此东窗事发。Maybe before employment at Olympus is to reveal the wood in the company operation of international efforts, but unexpectedly so sticky.

不料永发突然失踪,公司资金亦被提取一空并遭客户追究,事件于家中东窗事发,嘉嘉为此与诸葛靖第一次发生冲突。Lo will suddenly disappeared, the company funds also extracted out and by the customer, when events in the home, jia jia and ZhuGeJing for this conflict for the first time.

缅因大学历史学家霍华德•西格尔说,运动带头人霍华德•斯科特后来东窗事发,被人爆出他是个失败的打蜡推销员,而非他自称的伟大工程师,那场运动便自己破灭了。Howard Segal, an historian at the University of Maine, says the movement imploded when its leading light, Howard Scott, was unmasked as a failed wax salesman, not the great engineer he claimed to be.