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他把古铜币擦得锃亮。He polished up the old copper coins.

地板擦得明光锃亮。The floor has been rubbed clean and shiny.

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咖啡的蒸气从打磨得锃亮的大壶里喷出来。A jet of coffee steam from the burnished caldron.

蓝色的格子衬衣,黄色的西裤,锃亮的黑色凉鞋。Blue plaid shirt, yellow pants, shiny black sandals.

当然,带着崭新锃亮的球杆上球场感觉自然很好。Sure, it may feel nice to hit the links with shiny new clubs.

皮毛光滑,油光锃亮,吃得饱饱的,发生了什么事?Youre fur is sleek and glossy, you're well-fed — what happened?

我甚至花时间雕了一尊我父亲的半身像,并把它擦得锃亮。I’ve ever had time to sculpt a bust of my father and to burnish it.

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一枚金镑,锃亮而崭新,落在厚实柔软的桌布上。A sovereign fell, Bright and new, on the soft pile of the tablecloth.

传统的正装鞋可以选择系带牛津鞋或者锃亮的休闲鞋。The classic dress shoes are lace up oxfords or shiny slip on loafers.

模糊记得爷爷在世的时候,他有辆擦得锃亮的“小爷车”。Vaguely remember all the days of my grandfather, he has a polished "old".

青年时代本应似块磨光锃亮的金属,可如今也只剩下锈迹斑斑。Youth should be like a piece of polished polished metal, but now only rusty.

身穿自己最好的套装、脚蹬锃亮的皮鞋、手拿着简历,对于一切面试问题你都做好了的准备。Resume in hand. You've prepared for any interview question that could come your way.

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黑色梅塞德斯车锃亮的光漆反射出摩纳哥著名的蒙特卡洛赌场。The shiny finish of a black Mercedes car reflects Monaco's famous Monte Carlo Casino.

一件镶红边的海军蓝上衣,扎紧的领带,锃亮的皮鞋,克里斯在洛杉矶正要出演他下一个镜头。in a red-piped navy blazer, matching tie and shiny loafers for his next scene in L.A.

突然之间,他的皮鞋总像是刚上过鞋油一样锃亮,他也不再咬手指甲了。Suddenly his shoes may seem to take on a polish, and he will stop biting his fingernails.

一个别人眼中像理发师的铜盆的东西,你我却明白那是一顶锃亮的传奇般的头盔。What others may see as a barber's basin, you and I know is that glittering, legendary helmet.

我周围窗明几净,一尘不染——擦洗过的地板,磨得锃亮的炉格和擦得干干净净的椅子。All about me was spotless and bright -- scoured floor, polished grate, and well-rubbed chairs.

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老式椅子油光锃亮,那张胡桃木桌子象面穿衣镜。The old-fashioned chairs were very bright, and the walnut-wood table was like a looking-glass.

总是有人想用钥匙在新买的锃亮的四驱车上划一道痕。There will always be someone else who wants to scrape a key down the side of the shiny new 4 by 4.

土台上对称地陈列着锃亮的空酒瓶和空罐头盒作为摆设。On the table a bright empty wine bottle and a empty can were displayed symmetrically as a furnishings.