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爸爸在边上看着我。Dad looked at me.

我把她放在窗户边上。I put her by the window.

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我站在路边上。I stood on the roadside.

有你在边上我很幸运。Lucky for me I have you.

他被追逼到了悬崖边上。He was hounded to the cliff.

靠近窗户边上有一个搁架。Next to the window is a shelf.

我们住在黄河边上。We live near the Yellow River.

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伯金坐在她边上。She had Birkin for a neighbour.

脸盆边上有个小豁口。The washbasin had a small chip.

我们也许正位于悬崖边上。We may be standing at a precipice.

白色的汁液从边上渗出来。The white juice oozes out the sides.

间有游人来往的花园边上。By some not unfrequented Garden-side.

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我的心边上的就是我的电话号码。Next to the heart is my phone number.

他的两个助手站在边上。Two of his acolytes stood beside him.

每一页的页边上都加了评论并注解。Every page was margined with comments.

就从阿波罗剧院边上穿过去,Right across beside the Apollo Theater,

入口就在人行道边上。The entrance is just off the side-walk.

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她在市镇边上有一所房子。She had a house on the edge of the town.

他们把它从轮船边上投了下去。It was dropped over the side of the ship.

玩具在那边,文具的边上。Toys are over there, beside stationeries.